Chapter 12- Reunited

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Aragorn crouched, his fingers running over the rocks again, while Legolas looked around. "These are strange tracks," he whispered. 

"The air is so close in here." Gimli stated.

"This forest is old. Very old," Legolas said helpfully. "Full of memory....and anger." a loud groaning sounded around them, making Gimli raise his axe. "The trees are speaking to each other," Legolas gasped.

"Gimli, lower your axe." Aragorn told the dwarf. He did so, raising his hands up in surrender. They continued onward until Legolas froze. 

"Aragorn, something is out there." he whispered in elvish. "What do you see?" he asked as Aragorn came up besides him. "The white wizard approaches." Legolas responded, so Gimli could understand his words.

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us." Aragorn whispered. He withdrew his sword from his sheath slightly, Gimli raised his axe, and Legolas' fingers trailed softly to the string of his notched bowstring. "We must be quick." Aragorn warned.

As a group, they spun around as a bright white light filled the space in front of them. Legolas released his arrow and Gimli threw his axe. Aragorn raised his sword, but the figure deflected both the arrow and the axe and the metal of Aragorn's sword grew hot, making him drop it. 

Aragorn raised his hand above his eyes. "You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits and a girl." the voice said. "Where are they?" Aragorn yelled. "They passed this way, the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" the light began to slowly fade.

"Who are you? Show yourself?" Aragorn ordered

The figure stepped out to reveal Gandalf. They all gasped his names and Legolas dropped to his knees, followed by Gimli. "You fell." Aragorn whispered.

Gandalf recited his tale of his fight with the Balrog and told them how he had been returned to them at the turn of the tide. "Gandalf?" the old wizard looked confused as Aragorn whispered his name. "That is what they used to call me." Gimli smiled agreeing with him, and repeated his name. "Gandalf the Grey. That was my name. I am Gandalf the White and I come back to you now at the turn of the tide." he said. 

"But oh, It's not just me." he added and another figure stepped out behind them. "Hello boys," a quiet voice said from behind them.

The three whirled around and  saw their old female friend standing there behind them. She ran up to them and hugged both Legolas and Aragorn at the same time before they heard Gimli clear his throat.

She smiled softly and released them before kneeling down and hugging Gimli. She released them and they continued walking. "You look terrible lassie." Gimli stated and the girl shrugged. 

The others took in the state of the side of her temple and how she tried to keep her arm from touching the side of her stomach. Aragorn and Diana locked eyes and he saw the pain in them. 

He stopped and pulled her in for a hug, as she let the tears fall from her eyes, silent, but comforting. "She has been through a rough time with the Uruks. She already told me her tale. She will tell it when she is ready." Gandalf spoke up and the others nodded. 

"No, I'll be fine. I can tell it right now." Diana said and he nodded. So she spoke. She told all about what happened with the Uruks and how they tortured her before Treebeard had delivered her and the hobbits to Gandalf and how they had separated and Gandalf healed her, before they had met up with them.

As they reached the end of the story, they were at the edge of Fangorn Forest. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all had shocked expressions on their faces and Aragorn and Legolas both had pain in their eyes from hearing the girls tale. 

Legolas hugged her again as he stroked her hair and she smiled softly. "I'll be fine." she whispered and he nodded before pulling away and handing her, her dagger. She smiled and took it sheathing it to her belt. "One stage of your journey is over, the next is just beginning. War has come to Rohan, we must ride to Edoras with all speed. " Gandalf told them.

He then began to whistle, a tune. Soon enough a beautiful white horse galloped towards them. It seemed to glow with ethereal light. "That is one of the Mearas. Unless my eyes are cheated by some spell. " Legolas said, a glow of awe on his face.

"Shadowfax. He is the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers." Gandalf smiled, stroking the beautiful horse's mane. Aragorn hopped onto his horse and reached his arm down to his sister.

She willingly took it and he pulled her onto the back of his horse as all together, they galloped over the plains.

"Diana, where is Moonlight?" Legolas asked her over the winds.

"She will come when I need her. She is a free horse and may be overprotective of me, like someone I know, but she'll come when the time is right." Diana answers. In the very far off distance,  they could see Edoras, on a hill. It looked bleak and dark. She hoped everything was ok.


A/N : I hope you liked this chapter! If you did feel free to vote and comment! I hope you have a great rest of your day/night 

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