When Chloe got there, her and chewie, were gonna put on a show since she choreographed a song and dance for them to do.

"When a sign of the times
Is the times are extremely tough

Chewie then started whining as Chloe turned to him putting her finger up.

When you look at
The world and all
that you see is

Chewie then ruffed, earning a few laughs from the fair goers and James and Logan.

"Yes ruff
When you feel like
a long lost pup and
You need some cheering up
Sit back relax and watch us
Do our stuff

Chewie then began hopping up the steps as Chloe walked to the other side.

"Were gonna sit and
Shake your hand
That's how it starts

Chewie then held out his paw as Chloe shook it as people started getting there dogs.

"We're gonna nose
Are nosey
Way into
your hearts

Chloe and Chewie rubbed noses as they both the tilted there heads at the same time.

"Well sing and bark in
Two part harmony

Chloe held out the note as she held out her arms.

"Me and my boi
My boi and me
We make the perfect pair, we've got
That savoire faire
And any bone you throw
We'll catch it in mid air

Chloe then threw a bone as Chewie caught it.

"We're gonna find a park
To sink our teeth into
We'll jump through
hoops to get a great review

Chewie then jumped through a hoop as Chloe did a cartwheel.

"We're next years shoe in
Doggie nominee
Your gonna love us
that's our guarantee
We'll be bow together
on the count of three

Chloe then counted to Chewie as both of them bowed.

"Me and my boi

Chloe then did a spin as well as chewie.

"My boi and me
We make the
perfect pair, we've got
That savoire faire
Me and my boi
Me and my boi
Me and my boi
My boi and me."

Chloe sang out as she finally finished the song as her and Chewie walked over to the women and the guys "here you go, thanks for coming." James told the family as they handed them there dog "enjoy this little guy." Logan told them as the little girl looked to Chloe "will it be able to shake by hand as well?" She asked as Chloe laughed "of course it will, in good time enjoy." She told them as they headed off.

"Well, that's it guys. Thanks to your help, we found homes for all but eight dogs." The women told them "and we'll find homes for the rest of them next time." James told her as she looked at them "unfortunately, there is no next time. This was there last chance, so these guys are going to the doghouse in the sky." She told them as Chloes jaw dropped "oh, like a pooch penthouse." James told them as the women furrowed her brows as Chloe handed Chewie over to Logan.

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