
Start from the beginning

"G-ah! What the-" the words came out of your mouth as you hit your knees to the ground, bruising them on the rough concrete of the driveway. You tried pushing against the floor to pick yourself up, but the knees wouldn't budge. You turned your head to see your stand behind you but were soon restricted by your neck being pulled to the ground just as your knees had been. Unable to see anything but the floor and the partial sight of Doppio's bleeding leg, you made one last attempt with your hands. You pointed at Dharma the gun that you had been holding, although unable to see whether you had been pointing it in the correct direction. To your dismay, however, once again the same pull happened, this time on your elbows, pulling them to the ground close to your face, blocking your view. You felt your gun fall from your hand and clatter to the ground. Dharma's footsteps finally got very close to your face.

"Feels pathetic, doesn't it?" he mocked you. "This is why I asked you to cooperate."

He kneeled to close in on you, his knees placed right in front of your mouth, "Had you listened to me, it wouldn't have come to this."

Away from your view, you could hear Doppio struggle with his wound. Dharma's knees had blocked you from being able to see him, so you couldn't really tell whether he had been affected just like you. All you could hear was him whimpering and crying out curses under his breath, with occasional stifles, perhaps trying to move his body.

"What did you do?" You pushed the words out of your lungs, forcing your head out just a bit to try to look at Dharma's face. "Cooperate my fuckin' ass what the hell have you been doing?!"

He laughed, his head moving close to your ear. "Are you seriously that dumb? You should have figured this out by now."

You narrowed your eyebrows as you saw his eyes now facing you as he bent his body, laying his head in front of yours. "You..."

He only smiled crookedly. "Yes," he left your view and straightened himself. "I do."

All you could think of was whether your stand could move or not. You were unable to see it, unable to feel it. You tried to summon it to come closer to you, tried to see through the eyes of your stand, tried to see whether you could call it back and retry to summon it once again - nothing worked. A few moments in and you had realised the worst thing - you couldn't feel it. You couldn't feel your stand exist at all. There was nothing left of it.

"It won't work, darling," Dharma sang from afar. "Stop trying. You've lost all connection with your stand."

How did he...

Doppio, on the other hand, was still on the floor, bleeding and whimpering, desperate to move. He held his right thigh tightly. Dharma left you and walked towards him, then bent to his level.

"Now, kid," he spoke to the injured boy, "I'll ask you a few things and I'm expecting a straight forward answer. Please, cooperate. Who is your Boss?"

"Stop it, Dharma!" You shouted at him, although it was useless for you to be doing anything in that condition.

"Vinegar Doppio. It's very obvious that everything about you is false, everything about you that we see or we've heard from you. Now I'm not going to ask you anything about you, not your real name, not your address, not your origins, nothing at all." He pushed the boy's chin up with a finger, "Just tell me, who is your Boss?"

You could hear Doppio choke on his breath in pain. "Even... Even if I knew... I wouldn't be telling you that... I have no idea who it is..."

"I'm being nice, little boy, don't do that to me," Dharma uttered in a sour tone.

"I said I don't know!" He stated again.

"Okay, okay. Then, how about the way you contact him?" Dharma took a cellphone out and held it in front of Doppio.

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