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Warnings: None

Requested by: No one


Wilbur sets his guitar down with a small thump. He's been trying to learn how to play guitar for a few months now. He's 7 years old, the second oldest of his siblings. He has brown hair that is constantly in his face, brown eyes, a black beanie he refuses to take off, a yellow sweater, sometimes a pair of circular glasses on his face, and a sheath around his waist.

He walks over to his door and pushes it open quietly. Everyone is probably still asleep due to it being five in the morning. He walks down the hallway quietly and down the stairs. He giggles to himself as he walks over to the front door quietly. He pushes the door open and walks outside quietly. "Where are you going?" The brunette freezes in place turning around slightly only to see his older brother, Technoblade. He is a piglin hybrid, he has long pink hair, a crown rests on his head, royal clothes, crimson eyes, and a sheath around his waist like the brunette. He's two years older than the brunette making him 9 and the oldest of his siblings.

"I-" The brunette mutters meeting the crimson gaze of his older brother. "Well?" The older says looking at the brunette. "I don't have to tell you." The brunette says and the older just scoffs in response. "Mhm, sure." The older says and the younger just turns back around and runs off. "Hey- Where are you going!" The older shouts running after the brunette. The brunette laughs as his feet pound against the ground and he comes to a stop. The older catches up to the younger and stops. In front of the two is a small stream of flowing water and a few trees around the bank. "What are you doing?" The older asks seeing the younger taking off his shoes and the brunette just laughs in response.

The brunette walks to the edge of the bank his feet slightly getting wet due to the splashing water. The older watches the younger carefully. "You better not get hurt." The older mutters and the younger starts walking into the water. He stops once the water reaches his ankles. "Come on! The waters cool!" The older smiles slightly and takes off his shoes. He walks over to the bank and steps into the water. He bends down and rolls up his pant legs. He stands back up and walks further and over to the brunette. "How long have you known about this place?" He asks the younger and the brunette smiles. "For a few weeks!" He responds with a smile. The older chuckles slightly and looks at the stream. The water is cool and flowing at a slow pace. There are birds chirping in the branches of the bear by trees and the sun is rises allowing light to make the small place brighter.

Wilbur laughs as he walks farther into the stream and the water now rests right below his knees but the water gets no deeper. Technoblade looks at the brunette with a small smile on his face. "If you fall I will laugh at you." The older says and the brunette crosses his arms, a small smile on his face. The brunette sticks his tounge out at his older brother, his arms crossed over his chest. "Your asking for it." The older says looking at the brunette and which the younger's tounge disappears back in his mouth. The brunette back up and falls down in the water. "Now I'm all wet!" The younger whines and the older laughs.

The older walks over to one of the rocks and sits down keeping his feet in the water. The brunette is still sitting in the stream the water at his waist. The older isn't doing anything but watching the younger making sure he doesn't hurt himself. The brunette is sitting in the stream slightly kicking his feet causes small splashes. "Wilbur, Techno!" The familiar voice of the pair's father is heard. "Were over here!" The older shouts and not even a minute later the father of the two and their younger brother appear. "Dear god, This is where you two went." Philza says relief in his voice. "Mhm." The brunette hums standing up from the stream and the water now rests bellow his knees again. The blonde runs into the water splashing the brunette in the process. "Don't run off like that again." Philza says and Technoblade nods. "Don't worry we won't." He says and Phil smiles in response.

The family spends a few hours at the stream before heading back to their home. Phil carrying Tommy and the other two walking beside their father having a small conversation.


Started: 4/24/2021

Finished: 4/24/2021

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