Chapter 13- Ada secret.

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Polly had invited me to breakfast this morning and of course I graciously accept the invitation. I needed to be there at 8 which was fine with me because I rarely had lay-ins. The betting den was already in full swing even at 8 in the morning. I walk into the kitchen of the Shelby household and find Polly sitting down so I take a seat opposite her.
"Ada should be down any minute."
I nod at her as she pours the boiling hot tea. I then proceed to thank her as she places it down in front of me with a big smile. I take a sip and let out a satisfied sigh when I feel the sugary warm liquid run down my throat.
Ada glumly walks into the kitchen a frown etched on her face. She looked exhausted and a little rounder than usual. Clearly I wasn't the only one who noticed this. 
"What's wrong Ada?"
"Good of you to join us."
"I was in bed. Couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up. Then I felt cold and then I needed a wee. Then there was this bear on a boat but that was just a dream. And now I'm hungry."
Polly glares at Ada while Ada makes toast with butter on it. She then slumps down onto one of the chairs and then takes a large bite out of it, humming in satisfaction while looking at Polly.
"Why are you reading the paper?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"I've never seen you read the papers. Only light the fires with them."
"BSA are on strike. Minors are on strike. IRA are killing our boys, ten a day!"
Ada shoves a piece of toast in her mouth while nodding at Polly who shares a look with me. Ada then shoots me a smile and I giggle. Polly continues to stare at Ada and I see Ada glance down at herself worried.
"Stand up!"
"Just stand up!"
Polly stands up while putting her cup down. Ada frowns while setting her toast down and obeying Polly's orders. Polly then strides over to Ada who is shooting me a confused look but I just shrug.
"Side on!"
Polly then grabs Ada's breast which makes Ada squeal and step back. I giggle while gasping at Polly's forward actions.
"Polly What are you doin'?"
Polly's poker face was on and you can tell she's serious. She turns to me and nods signally both of our thoughts were correct.
"Omg! How late are you Ada?"
"One week."
I gasp at her and she huffs looking away. Soon enough she turns around to see Polly's questioning face and she squirms. Clearly she is lying. She huffs once more before clearing her voice.
"Five weeks. Seven if you count weekends."
Me and Polly both let out a shocked gasp which makes Ada panic. She starts pacing the room while we both look at her expectantly.
"I think its the lack of Iron. I've got some tablets."
"They didn't work did they?"
  They both sit down in their chairs as a silence takes over the kitchen. Ada is pregnant.
Polly made us meet back at 6 so we could sneak around to the hospital in the dark. We panickily wait in the silent waiting room until the doctor walks out and calls Ada's name. She hesitantly gets up and leaves not looking back at us once.
"Pol you know she wont get rid of it."
She turns to me confused but shakes her head a huff escaping her lips.
"She will."
We sit in silence until Ada returns with a panicked face. We stand up and all rush outside not wanting to cause an unnecessary scene in front of them.
"Well are you?"
"I'm pregnant."
Ada lights a cigarette as we start to walk.
"Keep bloody walking girls."
It felt like we were two naughty children that were about to get scolded by their mum. And trust me, it isn't nice when Polly scolds you.
"If anyone sees us here they will know!"
"I'm not getting rid of it Aunt Pol!"
"Told you."
Polly sends me a warning look so I back off but I hear Ada giggling which makes me smile. Polly grabs Ada's arm and starts walking.
"Lets get home and then we will talk about it."
"Get off of me or I'll scream!"
Ada pulls out of Polly's now loose grip and takes a puff of her cigarette. Polly steps forward and I take a step back.
"Alright, you want to do this on the streets, lets do it! Who's is it?"
Me and Ada share a look that tells me not to say anything but Polly clocks on and pulls me closer to both of them.
"Who's is it Sophie?"
"Freddie Thorne!"
I gulp and back away. How could I of done that to Ada? Polly's jaw drops and I gulp. This is not going to be good.
"Please don't tell the boys! They will cut him to pieces."
"Not if he marries you they wont. Will he marry you?"
"I don't know. I don't know where he is."
"Jesus Christ Ada!"
"Look he's gone away but he said he will come back."
"Yeah but they all say that."
"But Freddie's diffrent, he's not like that. He's a good man and he promised."
Ada lets a few tears fall down her rosy cheeks while she pleads in desperation. Polly sighs and then pulls her in for a hug as well as me.
"He will come back Aunt Pol! I know he will."
We break away and I give Ada an apologetic smile. I mouth sorry to her and she nods, accepting my apology. We then start to walk to my parents house so they can drop me home. I sigh because I know this is not going to go down well with Tommy. Also he can read me like a book so I will have to avoid him.
I step into my empty room and let a frustrated sigh knowing that I wont be seeing Tommy for a while which will kill me. But I have to do this for Ada and Freddie's sake.
I make my way to the Garrisons for my shift. Tommy was already there talking to Grace which sent a pang of jealousy threw my heart. I give them a nod as I pass by them to go to the back so I can bring new bottles out. When I come back he is gone which makes me huff before walking over with a heavy crate. I plop it down on the floor and then I start restocking the shelves. Todays shift went by quickly and I surprisingly didn't see Tommy since earlier.
Most of my week was quiet and the only thing that happened was a bar fight between two very drunk men. It had been extremely easy to avoid Tommy because I would just send Grace. She always seems more than happy too anyways. He also seemed perfectly fine with that even after I warned him about her. Clearly he is falling in love with the Irish bitch and completely ignored my warning.

Love never dies! {Thomas Shelby}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ