"Hello" he voice greeted from the other end of the phone,

"Hey, listen you need to come home, somethings happened" I said, trying to sound as calm as possible,

"What's happened? Is it Gracie? Is she ok?" He asked as I could hear him packing his stuff up and grabbing his coat,

"Will, I think she's been kidnapped" I informed "We're on our way there now so that's all I know" I continued and a long silence greeted me on the other end,

"I'm on my way now" he said before hanging up the line. We pulled up outside of my apartment building where Voight and the rest of the team were already parked up and about to head in. I walked straight past them and ran up the stairs with Antonio not far behind me. The front door was already open and Eva was pacing around,

"Jay I'm so sorry" she apologised as Antonio wrapped his arms around his daughter who sobbed once again,

"What happened?" I asked wanting to know the full story.

Eva explained all to us and it was clear that there was no way she could have stopped it from happening. Will had arrived shortly after Eva had finished and he was looking as stressed as I was feeling.

"Well there's signs of a struggle and blood on the floor, any chance that's not your's?" Hailey asked Eva who was now being treated by a paramedic for her head wound,

"I don't think so" she said sadly "I scratched him up pretty bad" she commented as she looked at the blood under her fingernails.

"That's good" Kevin said "hopefully we can get some DNA from that" he finished and I nodded. Antonio grabbed his daughters things before beginning to lead her out of our apartment,

"I'm really sorry guys" she said to me and Will,

"It wasn't your fault Eva" Will assured her and I nodded,

"Yeah" I agreed "you did everything you could" I said as I gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before she left with her dad and Atwater.

Gracies POV

I could hear ringing in my ears as I began to become aware of my surroundings. It was cold, dark and silent. A small barred up window at the top of the wall that looked as if it was level with a sidewalk. Tears began to fall down my cheeks when I realised that I was alone. Why was I here? I could hear a pair of footsteps approach the and a set of keys jingling causing me to push myself back into the corner hoping that I would disappear and suddenly be back with my big brothers. But luck wasn't on my side as a large man opened the door and scanned the room before his eyes landed on me and a sinister smile spread across his face.

"Little miss Gracie Halstead" he greeted as he crossed his arms across his chest,

"H-How do you know my n-name" I stuttered causing him to laugh,

"I know all about you" he smirked "I know even more about Jay Halstead" he said causing me to frown,

"You know my brother?" I asked confused as he walked closer to me,

"That I do little one" he said in a sickly sweet tone causing me to shrink back even more, I get the impression that Jay wasn't this guys friend.

"I wanna go home" I whimpered as a tear ran down my cheek,

"Not gonna happen kid" he said "at least not until we teach that brother of yours a lesson" he finished and reached forward to grab a fist full of my hair causing me to scream out in pain. He ignored my cries as he dragged me out of the room and up a set of stairs that led to another room where two other men were sat playing a game of cards.

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