Dad where are you

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(Near Border of Pridelands ) 

Simba: Stay away from the outlands.

Kion : Oh butterfly.

(Simba chatting with Zebra)

Simba: Son!? Where are you gotten to. Maybe he went home with Zazu. 

Nala : Hi Simba back so early, didn't you need to be back in an hour?

Simba: I was but is Kion home? 

Nala : No I haven't seen him. Why? 

Simba : He isn't with me he was there 1 second and the poof gone.

Nala : Is he playing with your friends Timon and Pumba?

Simba : Good suggestion .  See you.

Timon: Well isn't it the king. 

Simba: Is Kion here?

Pumba : No. Why 

Simba : Tell you later.

Simba: Basi have you seen Kion? 

Basi : Afraid I haven't . Bye!

Simba : Okay Where could he be? 

         Kion's Pov Point of view

Kion: Where am I am who are you?

I'm Jangari , I'm Bretara , and I'm Boss. 

Boss: Who are you cubs? 

 Kion :I'm Kiongozi and I'm 4 years old.

Rani : I'm Rani I'm 3 and lost from the tree of life.

Boss: Well too bad you'll have to say good bye to that thought of going home.

Rani: why ??

Boss : Don't you know that you will be eaten?

Kion : I know a way out. Just follow my lead.

Rani : Thanks so much. What is your name ?

Kion: Kiongozi

Rani : Thanks for getting us away from those hyenas.

Kion : Sure.

Kion: Do you know where your home is ??

Rani: Yes my parents told me.

Kion ;Good where do we go 1st.

(TIMESKIP) 1 week later

Kion :Is this it?

Rani : Yes 

Sahasi: I'll check the mountain pass 1 more time.

Ananda: Okay be careful.

Sahasi : Rani ! And who is that?

Rani: Dad this is my friend that helped me here.

Sahasi: Where are his parents and where is he from?

Kion : My parents are King Simba and Nala.

Sahasi :Where are you from?

Kion : I don't know?

Sahasi: Okay I know that he has parents. So if I can find where his parents are living in it will be success.

(In the meantime)

 Ananda: We will show you how to find your home.

Kion: I kind of is supposed to be home to watch my baby sister's birth.

Ananda: At least we'll maybe get you in time there on time

Kion : Thanks Ms.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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