Training/UA Entrance Exam/First day in UA

Start from the beginning

Mitsuki: Ready

Narrator POV

I'm going to skip through this Izuku and Mitsuki easily passed the test we move on to the practical exam. Mic explains the robots. Izuku and Mitsuki ran in and start's destroying robots but leaving some for the other kids.

Izuku: Seems like the released thebzero pointer.

????: Help

Izuku: *See's a girl stuck* I have to save her *Ran and punched the Zero pointer destroying it* Are you ok

????: Yea thank you

Izuku: Your welcome.

*First Day in UA*

Izuku/Mitsuki: *Walks in the class*

Lida/Bakugo: *Shouting at eachother*

Izuku: This is going to be a long year

Mitsuki: You don't have to tell me twice

????: Hey thank you for saving me

Izuku: No problem

????: I'm ochakoo Uraraka

Izuku: Izuku Shimura

Uraraka: Nice to meet you

Izuku: You to.We should sit down the teacher is waiting for us.

Uraraka: Where???

Mitsuki: You didn't see the yellow sleeping bag when you came in

Uraraka: Nope

Aizawa: If your here to make friends you can leave

Class: *Shut up and Sat down*

Aizawa: Get your gym clothes and meet me outside

Uraraka: What about orientation

Izuku: He doesn't care. He expelled his entire class last year because he didn't think they were worthy enough to be Hero's

Aizawa: You know your stuff kid

Izuku: Thanks.

*At the testing site*

*Trows the ball to Izuku*

Aizawa: What's your score in middle school without your quirk

Izuku: 90

Bakugo: Stop lying Nerd you got 600

Class 1A: How Is that possible

Aizawa:What's your quirk

Izuku: Ki

Aizawa: What's that

Izuku The mulplation of life energy around me.I can do anything with it like fly and make attacks with it.

Aizawa: Does it improve your strength

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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