The sacred beasts!!

Start from the beginning

"The sacred beast cards belongs to me!" The man said.

"I know this man!" Yelled Sheppard suddenly "It is Kagemaru, our superintendent!".

"I am glad you recognize me Sheppard!" Kagemaru said "Even through the years hasn't been kind!". Then Kagemaru began telling them, that he was the one who built this school! That he was the one who sealed the cards, he was also the one who gave Sheppard the spirit keys, and the only reason was to gain duel energy, so he could unlock the cards. He gained that by making them face the shadow riders. He was the evil mastermind behind all this. Apparently it had all bin a test! And only some of them passed it! Jaden clenched his fist. So did his sister.

"Cute story!" said Alexis angry "You did all that because you couldn't get them yourself!". The man didn't answer that!

"If you want these cards, you will have to face me!" could Jaden hear Zane scream, and suddenly everyone was eager to protect the cards. Even Atticus. He was angry at Kagemaru for transforming him into nightshroud. The only ones who didn't say anything was Tara and Jaden.

"No!" screamed Kagemaru "I will pick my opponent! I chose this one!". Jaden turned shocked around, and saw who Kagemaru was pointing at. It was not him. It was his sister!

Tara's p.o.v.

Tara looked as shocked as Jaden did. She really didn't expect that he wanted to duel her. She saw that Jaden took her hand. He looked really angry at Kagemaru.

"Hey why her!" Jaden scream. Kagemaru grinned.

"She has a lot of power!" He said "Almost as good as your duel energy Jaden! But she is weaker in duel than you!". Tara didn't feel any better at that statement. Jaden was still staring at Kagemaru.

"Why is my sister always the target!" screamed Jaden angry.

"Yeah!" could Tara hear Zane scream "No one is going to hurt Tara ever again!". Tara felt happy inside. The rest of her friends (Beside Chazz), didn't want Tara to duel.

"Silents!" screamed Kagemaru angry "The girl is my opponent and that's final!". The 7 pillars were suddenly surrounded by blue electricity.

"If she doesn't agree then this whole Island is going to sink into the ocean!" Kagemaru said. Tara sighed. She had no choice here. She looked at her brother, got out of his grip and walked towards Kagemaru.

"You got yourself..!" She said, but got interrupted by Jaden. He had rushed in front of her, and in some way shielded Tara from Kagemaru.

"No Kagemaru!" Jaden screamed "You are going to take me on instead!". Tara looked surprised at Jaden.

"I was about to challenge him!" yelled Tara back at Jaden "You can't intervene like this!". Jaden smiled at her.

"Sorry sis!, but you can't face him, not until you conquer your past and that dragon of yours!" Jaden said and turned towards Kagemaru "So what about it Kagemaru!". However Tara didn't stand for it. She began arguing with Jaden. Tara knew this was a bad timing, but she couldn't let Jaden fight for her, the rest of her life.

"Silents!" screamed Kagemaru suddenly. Tara and Jaden went silent.

"This is why I hate teenagers!" said Kagemaru and sighed. "Fine I will duel both of you! But only one deck, I don't want to drag this out! You have one minute to decide!". Tara and Jaden looked at each other. Without saying anything to each other, Tara just nodded and turned towards Kagemaru.

"Fine!" said Tara "We use Jaden's deck, but I will have the first move!". Jaden just nodded too. Kagemaru smiled.

"Then let this Shadow game begin!" He said. Tara looked at him. There were something fishy going on here. Tara looked at Kagemaru again. He was smirking!

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