"Weird," Imogen said. "I used to always come here after school as a kid."

Sebastian blinked rapidly as he realized something. "Wait a minute... We're in a park?" He scratched the top of his head. "I could've sworn we were in the woods."

Imogen stifled a laugh. "No, we're not in the woods." She pointed in front of her. The treeline was beginning to break, giving way to a stone path decorated with tall lamps, benches, and food stands. People in winter gear were strolling about with their children and pets.

Sebastian stiffened at the sight of so many Ordinaires.

"Should we be out in the open like this?" He glanced at Dorian. "I mean, this guy is a werewolf."

"I still look like a normal person, asshole."

"Those eyes of yours say otherwise."

Dorian's mouth twitched. His crimson eyes narrowed at the black-haired magician.

"We'll be fine," Imogen assured him. "Once we get into town, it'll be easy to blend in."

"Speaking of getting into town," Sebastian began, "What's our plan? We can't just roam the city looking for magician hunters. There has to be a way to get into contact with them."

Dorian nodded. "He's right."

"You two agreeing?" Imogen laughed. "Maybe there's hope for you after all."

The two boys exchanged equally unimpressed looks before reverting their stares to the girl.

"Let me think," Imogen eventually said.

The trio made it out the thicket of trees and onto the path full of people. A few passersby gave them strange looks as they emerged from the foliage, but most paid them no mind. Within moments of walking among the Ordinaires, they had completely blended in with the crowd.

Sebastian's shoulders relaxed.

Turning his head, he watched the icy Atlantic Ocean bending over the horizon far off in the distance. It seemed to go on forever; the end wasn't in sight. In a way, it reminded him of their current conflict with the Order of the Black Lotus.

He truly didn't see an end in sight.

His father was more powerful than ever. The Order's numbers grew by the day. And with that new undead army of his...

Sebastian had no idea how the war was going to end. He wasn't even confident they would win it. Something in the pit of his stomach told him to prepare for a lot more destruction. A lot more carnage.

A lot more death.

Beside him, he noticed Imogen's eyes perk up.

"What?" he asked.

"I might know of a way to get straight to the Arkangels."

Dorian peered at her over his shoulder. "Oh yeah? Enlighten us."

"I was never really close with my family when I lived out here," she started, "but I sort of connected with a cousin of mine after I moved from Nova Scotia to Montreal. I remember her working for the same 'company' that the rest of my cousins and uncles worked for. If I can get her to meet us, she can probably lead us to them."

"Or she'll stab you in the back and kill me and Sebastian," Dorian countered.

Sebastian grimaced at the thought. "I'll kill her before that happens."

Imogen urged them both to settle down. "Relax. From what I remember, she wasn't very murderous."

"Are you sure about this?"

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now