summer of 1995.

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News has gotten out about her father and his horrendous indeviours. Somehow a photograph of him hitting her mother and his dark mark being halfway exposed had slipped its way into the public eye.

This caused confusion and enragement all across the wizarding world. most people didn't know what to believe. Samuel Avila, chudley canons seeker and most 'friendliest' man exposed for being an abuser and a death eater? No way sounds like a load of bull. maybe it was a one time thing.. but hitting a woman  wasn't something to excuse. People saying that he had a dark mark made it way worse.

Aurela was scared, she was scared of her father and what people would say. Aurela wasn't one to try and please the public eye. but people would begin to ask questions about her family quarrel that was now put on to display for everyone to see.


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