Start from the beginning

"My dogs unsupervised on a sound stage? They could get hurt! Why do you think Chloe doesn't go anywhere." Gustavo told her as Chloe tilted her head nodding "oh my gosh. Your worried about them." Kelly told him as Chloes eyes went wide "oh, don't let him know." She told her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm worried about them. Yeah, me? Oh, yeah." Gustavo told them laughing "yeah you know what I'm worried about is that they're gonna lose their arms, and how will they hold their microphones?" He told them as both girls furrowed there brows "okay, call colossal studios and tell em we want a tour of the lot for a video shoot. But what we're actually gonna do is break into that sound stage and cut those guys camping trip short. Booya!" Gustavo told them going down and coming back up in a spy outfit.

Chloe and Kelly did the same as Chloe came up with one on as Kelly didn't have one as she went down again and cane up with nothing, she sighed, going back down again as she finally came up with hers.

While the three of them were being sneaky the boys were Hollywood camping "earth, stars, and a sleeping bag. It's all you need." Kendall told them as Carlos looked over to the girls "yeah, but the girls are kind of nice." Carlos told them as James pointed over "hey, they're just gonna slow us down and besides are girl best friend isn't even here." He told them "we're gonna end up spending all night trying to help them set up camp..what's that smell?" Logan asked as they all then turned to the girls having everything set up and cooking food.

"You guys want some apple sausage?" Camille asked as all the guys agreed except Kendall as he stopped them before they could head over "no! Because when we camp, we like to forage off the land. Now what we got?" He told them "I found..four dirty mints and a mustard packet." Logan told him as James pulled up what he found "duct tape." He told him as the girls looked at each other "wait. Look what I found." Carlos told them picking up the turkey "it's a prop turkey." Kendall told him.

"Yeah, but I might've stolen Chloes bag of chips from her before we left for the Palm Woods and didn't want to share them." Carlos told them as James looked at him "you stole her chips and weren't gonna share any with me?" He asked as Carlos shook his head "well of course, I was gonna share them with you buddy." He told him as they all the dropped what they found.

"Guys, come on, you have no food." Jennifer told them as Kendall looked over "well, that's the way we like to camp..hungry, ready for anything." He told them as banging was heard "what was that?" Carlos asked as James picked up a piece of the set "a storms coming."
He told them as the girls laughed "it's the air conditioning. It kicks on to keep all the equipment cool overnight." Jo told them as the guys started to get cold.

"Okay, so what it stays on all night?" Logan asked as the girls all had on extra clothes to keep them warm "but you guys brought extra layers, right?" Camille asked "layers?" Logan asked as he laughed "we only need one layer to stay warm." Kendall told them as they then all were zipped up in their sleeping bags standing up "why are they looking at us like that?" Logan asked as Jo whispered to Camille "they look like giants worms." She told her.

The girls were roasting marshmallows as the guys watched "okay, now they're just mocking us. Chloe wouldn't do that, she would share her snacks and her blankets and extra layers." James told them "this is Gustavos fault. He should've just let us camp in real woods like we wanted." Kendall told them "oh, if he was here, I would totally give him a piece of my mind." Carlos told them and what they didn't know was that Chloe, Gustavo and Kelly had broken in hearing what they said and seeing everything.

"My fault? They're the ones that are freezing and are gonna catch a cold." Gustavo told them as Chloe and Kelly looked to him "you realize you sound like an actual caring person right now." Kelly informed him as Chloe smiled "oh, yeah. The only thing I wanna do is cut this camping trip short. But how?" Gustavo asked them as he looked to Chloe as Jo began to speak.

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