"Chako!?" Mr. Uraraka said, surprised at his daughter's sudden appearance. "What are you doing here!?"

"What am I doing here!? What are you doing here!?" Ochaco asked. "This isn't a few hours road trip from home you know!?"

"Well me and your mother we're gonna surprise ya with this, but we moved here for work!" Mr. Uraraka explained. "Mr. Midoriya here offered us a contract to stay here and do repairs on his house from time to time."

"HUH!?" Ochaco screeched in confusion. This had completely come out of nowhere for her.

Or had it. Ochaco looked at Izuku with a pout.

This was exactly the kind of thing Izuku would do. Spend exorbitant amounts of money and inconvenience himself for the sake of someone else. If she didn't mention she didn't like handouts he would have thrown money at her so hard it'd make her spin.

That didn't make it any less sweet though.

"Izuku you goof! Why didn't you tell me about this, this is great!" Ochaco made sure to express the fact that this was a good thing, and that she liked it. Knowing Izuku he'd somehow thought she could think this was a bad thing.

While Izuku was breathing a sigh of relief, Mr. Uraraka looked between the two of them. "Wait a minute you two know each other?"

"Uhhhh." Izuku quickly started getting nervous yet as he realized he was not yet out of the dog house.

"Yeah, dad, sorry I didn't have the chance to tell you about him. Izuku is my best friend." Ochaco explained.

"Izuku?" Mr. Uraraka was a little surprised by the use of Izuku's first name by his daughter, but more things slowly started to make sense to him as he put the pieces together. "Ohh. I see what's going on here."

"Y-you do?" Izuku asked, with the slight hope he had that things would go well showing in his voice.

"Yeah, this is an elaborate attempt to flirt with my daughter!" Mr. Uraraka said.

Izuku then promptly turned from green to red, as he blushed so hard he nearly passed out from blood rushing to his face. "Ah-I-ah-wa-fah-ka-"

"Dad!" Ochaco shouted at her father, her face turning red as well. "Get over here!"

Ochaco opened the door leading to the small hallway outside his office and rushed her father through it, before closing the door so Izuku couldn't hear it.

"Ok, I know you don't know him too well but this is definitely not flirting!" Ochaco said in a yell/whisper. "We're just really good friends."

"Come on sweetheart, no one would go through all this trouble just for a friend." Mr. Uraraka said. "At least he knows my baby girl is worth the money I'll give em that."

"Dad! Izuku IS just that nice." Ochaco insisted. "He literally adopts kids no one else wants because they can kill them! Just because he wants to give them a nice childhood!"

Mr. Uraraka paused, "Fair point."

"Izuku only has one real friend, me! So of course he's willing to do something like this!" Ochaco said. "He'd probably do a lot of crazy things if I asked him to! Something I'm trying not to take advantage of!"

Mr. Uraraka didn't seem convinced. "I don't know honey."

"Dad, trust me when I say, the day Izuku flirts with someone is the day pigs fly, that boy is shyer than half the kids here, and most of them have been abused in some way!" Ochaco said. "He's just a really nice guy, who's really glad to finally have a friend. Also, he's rich, this probably wasn't too much of an issue for him money-wise. He has a lot of things on his plate, so please don't stress him out with things like this!"

I Don't Run An Orphanage!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin