Dealing with it..

Start from the beginning

" On second thought.. I'm not that hungry.. I'll be going now " Naruto lied. The truth was she was finding it hard to control her stupid emotions. She was losing her freaking mind. So she decided to create some distance between them.

" What about breakfast? "

" I'll eat something.. " and with that she left.

Sasuke was left staring at the place Naruto was a second ago. " Wonder what she's been upto.. "

With Naruto ~

Naruto was dashing towards the hokage tower. Her face was still a little red but that didn't stop her to take a few complaints to the hokage.

" KAKASHI SENSEI..!! " she banged open the door to the hokage's room. " I NEED HELP!! "

Kakashi didn't lose his cool, although it was gonna cost a lot to fix the door, again. " What is it this time..? " he asked, poised and not lifting his eyes from all the boring paperwork.

" There's something wrong with me "

Now that peeked Kakashi's interest.
" Other than the fact that you're now officially a girl..? "

" It's not permanent! I mean Lady Tsunade said that there's still hope that the person who cast the jutsu may have a solution to this. I mean that's the reason why none of my friends or the villagers were informed about it. But that's not why I'm here! "

" So what's wrong then? "

" You've gotta help me Kakashi sensei "

" Naruto, would you tell me what's wrong already!? " Kakashi was getting ticked. Naruto was just wasting time by going round and round in her words.

" It's.. " Naruto began and gulped. Her voice got lower when she continued " .... it's Sasuke... "

" Oh.. " Kakashi raised an eyebrow " And what about him..? "

" He... well, I... I don't feel well when I'm with him.. "

" Go on.. "

" I mean it's like super weird..! Just this morning, I thought Sasuke looked really... er.... really good and his body looked so... strong.. I mean I'm not weak and I can kick his ass anytime but it was different. He looked strong in a different way, and I wanted to... " Naruto blushed deep red " well.. never mind that.. "

Kakashi's full attention was on Naruto right now. No way, was Naruto actually...? " ... And...? "

" And.. yesterday... I had this dream... which felt really real and I kind of enjoyed it a lot and when the dream was over I felt sad and wanted to dream that dream again but after that I wasn't even able to sleep and then morning came... " Naruto started again " Plus recently, I started thinking that Sasuke has a very nice voice... it's so weird, can you even believe it..? Maybe it's a side effect.. I don't know but I think I'm being haunted by the ghosts of Sasuke's fangirls... What should I do..? "

Naruto was freaking out. And as for Kakashi, he had pretty much gotten the jist of it. He sighed.

" I don't think there's something wrong with you, Naruto.. "

" Bullshit! There's definitely something wrong here! Tell me what I should do! Or change me back! "

" Would you listen first..? " Kakashi spoke calmly " I think you're starting to like Sasuke "

" Well duh! Obviously I like Sasuke! There's nothing new about that. I've liked him since the academy days. We're best friends for God's sake! But it wasn't weird then... it's weird now... "

Kakashi sighed. " What I meant was, you like him 'romantically' "

Naruto went deep red on hearing that and her heart beat fastened. " S-SAY WHAT..!!? "

She slammed her fist on the table, still with a flushed face and her heart pounding " Don't make weird assumptions! I do not like him like that! He's my best friend! "

" Deny it all you want.. "

" I'm not denying anything! "

" Then answer a few questions first. How would you feel if Sasuke were to move out into a new apartment? How would you feel if Sasuke comes home with a girlfriend? How would you feel if you hear them make love at night? How would you feel Sasuke being close to someone who isn't you? How would you feel Naruto? Will you be able to let him belong to someone else that easily? You've chased after him for so long! Now go ahead and say that you don't like him 'romantically' "

Naruto was quiet. Everything Kakashi sensei said made sense. She wouldn't like it at all if Sasuke were to go to someone else. She wouldn't be able to take it. But that didn't mean that she liked him, right? Plus, last night was fresh in her mind. And Ayame's words were ringing in her ears.

She had just had all the facts stated out loud to her by sensei, hushing her voice.
She still didn't know what to do. Even if she did like him like that, how was she supposed to go back to normal?

" Then tell me what I should do now... " she spoke in a barely audible voice.

'I knew it. You really like him a lot, don't you? But sorry Naruto, you've gotta handle this yourself. ' Kakashi thought and said, rather in a stoic tone " Deal with it. "

" D-Deal with it...? Is that all you're gonna say...? "

" I've got a lot of work so don't disturbe right now. " He said, emotionless " And like I said. I'll repeat it if you want, Just Deal With It. "

Now that pissed her off. How was she supposed to just 'deal' with it? She came here to ask for help but Kakashi sensei was kidding around. She started at him in disbelief as he wasn't taking her seriously.

" Why are you still here, Naruto? I told you that you need to figure it out yourself. "

" HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH IT WHEN SASUKE IS SO FREAKING HANDSOME!! " she yelled loudly and turned around, about to leave.

What she saw next was enough to make her want to die. Sasuke stood near the door frame, still holding the lock, as if he had just entered, his mouth hung agape, probably in shock after hearing what Naruto had just said.

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