Even though your relationship with them was built off of only two months, it proved to last much easier than you had even anticipated. You didn't want it to fail, but you also anticipated it getting harder than the blissful two months you first shared. In reality, the only thing that really changed was the situation that the three of you were in. The relationship itself never seemed to change. It was happy, peaceful, and you always had a strong shoulder to cry on when work or school became too overwhelming.

    The long distance was indeed tough, but when you all had promised to FaceTime every waking second, you all for sure meant it. Back in high school, every morning as you would be getting ready for school, both boys would excitedly help you pick out every aspect of your outfit down to the color of your eyeshadow. It was often that you guys would continue the call up until you were literally stepping out of the car to go into school.

    With their help and support, finishing high school was easy. Getting through college was much easier, too.

    Now, you all lived in an apartment in downtown Tokyo where you could all pursue your careers comfortably. It was a nice one, a merit of all of the hard work the three of you had been putting in. Just as you had wanted, it had big windows where you could see all of the stars, and, just as Kuroo had wanted, it had a big bed that all of you could fit comfortably in.

    It was actually a three bedroom apartment, but it wasn't often that you guys weren't sharing the bed. After all, your favorite sleeping position was easily when you were fully sandwiched between both of them.

    As the current game that you were watching ended, you watched Bokuto whip his head around to wave excitedly at you and Kuroo in the stands. Hinata came running over to his side and spotted you guys among the crowd to start waving, too. You smiled at the two of them and their antics before you and Kuroo stood up to make your way down to that same area of the hallway that you did every time they were finished with a game.

    Best part of the job you both had? You got special access to the hallway that the jackals had their locker rooms in. It was much easier to leave with Bokuto whenever he wasn't being swarmed by all of his fans, but that's what you got for dating an extremely hot and talented volleyball player. Luckily it was easier for the two of you to avoid the crowds entirely with just a showing of you work IDs.

    As you and Kuroo sat waiting for the team to appear, you walked forward and placed yourself in his arms. He rubbed your back, letting out a little laugh. You looked up to him in confusion at the noise. "What?"

    He shrugged. "I'm really just being brought back to high school right now."

    You smiled. It really did feel like that time when you had been waiting for Fukurodani that one morning before you had left your exchange trip. It was six years later now, but every feeling was almost exactly the same. "It really does feel like that, huh?"

    "Yeah, all we're missing are a bunch of screaming, sweaty guys," he said as if he knew in the next second that the Black Jackals would come running through the door.

    They were yelling and for sure sweaty, that was for sure. You knew that quickly as you were tackled by Bokuto into his usual excited hug. "Did you guys see me?" he asked as he looked between you and Kuroo. "I was amazing, right?"

    "Yes," you nodded excitedly, "you were amazing, Kou!"

    He threw his arms up into the air in victory as he made his way back over to his team to have their finishing meetings. "He still wants that same exact praise from you, too," Kuroo laughed.

    You all left through the back door to better avoid the crowds as Bokuto was actually done with everything that he had to handle post-game. Thankfully he wasn't required to do any press tonight so all of you got out much earlier than usual.

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