Dinner ( part 1 )

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Zack Pov

I got home quickly and went to the kitchen. I saw a note on the counter that read

'Zack, I might be late today. My date is coming over for dinner. If he gets here before me, please let him in and make him feel welcomed. I promise I won't be to late. Have fun and be nice ~ Mom'

I groaned and went upstairs. I went into my room and shut the door. I decided to just straighten my hair a bit more and clean up a bit.

*** 20 mins later***

I just finished cleaning up my room and was now sitting on the bed. I hear a faint knocking downstairs and sigh.

'Moms date is here' I groan and check myself in the mirror quickly. I rush downstairs and open the door. To say I was shocked would be a great understatement... cause right in front of me was the one and only Mr. White... Lord save me

Koda POV

I was shocked to see the kid Zack again from before. I could see he was just as shocked, if not more, as me at the moment. We just kinda stood there looking at each other. I took this time to notice how nice he looked.

I realized how awkward this was getting so I decided to break the silence.

"umm hey there Zack, didn't expect to see you here." I said as least awkwardly as I could.

" Oh uh yah, same here... Please come in" He said nicely and still a bit hesitant. I slowly entered the house and took in the place.

It was a good sized house and a big fireplace with a flat screen above it. Tbh the place was beautiful. I heard the door shut behind me and felt him walk by me. I felt the smooth skin of his arm as he brushed against me.

" Nice place you got here. Mind if I sit down?" I ask moving towards the couch. He seemed to be thinking of something before he answered.

" Uhh no umm take a seat. And thanks, this is the only place where I can feel calm and relax. " he says taking a seat next to me on the L shaped couch. I can tell he's nervous and keeps some distance between us... I just can't tell why.

I decide to test him. I lean back and put my arm over the back of the couch and spread my legs.

" so how's school? Are u always getting picked on?" I ask watching to see what his reaction will be. I watch as his eyes look back between the floor and my body. I feel myself inwardly grin.

" umm I guess it's ok. I've always been bullied since I came out. I just keep to myself but the bullies come after me anyway " he answers sadly. I rub his shoulder gently and sigh.

" don't worry buddy. Ill be there to protect you" I say as he starts to lean into my side closer to me. Just as he does so... We hear a knock at the door....

AN: OMG SO SORRY ABOUT THE SUPER LATE UPDATE. I have no excuses and I'm ready for the anger. Hope u guys like the story so far.

Is zack falling for Koda? Are they gonna be able to handle each other. And what about Zacks mother??? Read to find out

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