Chapter 2 - Despicable, Me?

Start from the beginning

I grinned at Charlie and ruffled his shaggy hair, making it stick up at odd angles. He didn't seem to mind, just flashed me another smile before beckoning to his friend.

"Blake!" He shrieked, wildly waving his hands above his head like an orangutan. I burst out laughing at his wild gestures, and poked him in the side to get his attention. He turned round to face me, his eyes wide and his face expectant.

"Yes?" He asked politely.

"Dou you think you could calm down a little? You're gonna take someone's eye out if you're not careful."

Charlie stared at me for a moment, before lunging forward and grabbing a hold of my face. I glanced bewilderedly at Lucy, who was looking at Charlie like he'd just sprouted a turnip for a head, before looking back at Charlie, who was busy trying to pry open my eyes.

I had just grabbed Charlie's shoulders, shaking him slightly in the hopes that he would let go and calm down, when Mr Campbell walked in. He took one look at Charlie, shook his head and reopened the door, gesturing for him to step outside. Charlie leapt to his feet and ran out, panting happily like an exited puppy.

I sniggered, but my smile quickly turned into a scowl as the happy energy Charlie had brought over quickly dissipated. Was I wrong in thinking that Damon had no cruel intentions towards me? Because I honestly didn't see what I could have done wrong, apart from embarrassing myself.

I chewed my lip, worrying. Even Charlie's return couldn't pull me out of my thoughts completely. Lucy made several attempts at starting a conversation, but gave up soon after when she realised it was hopeless.

I myself didn't understand why I was acting like this. I was making the whole situation out to be something it really wasn't in my head, which is why I struggled so much to live within a normal society. Loads of people nodded to one another out of politeness, and I'm pretty sure that most of the human population make eye contact.

But, a little voice in my head stated patiently, it wasn't just any person, it was Damon Smith, the schools number one delinquent. So believe me when I tell you it meant something. Something important.


I hurried towards my locker, pushing my way through the sea of people crowding the walkways. There was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I came to a halt across from my locker, impatience uncharacteristic of my personality swelling up as I waited for my locker neighbour to step aside. She peered into the mirror taped to the inside of her door, pouting at her reflection and as she redid her hair. A pang of envy shot through me as she rearranged her fringe, wishing I could have her beautiful auburn locks instead of my own brown ones. I absently pulled on a piece of my hair, playing with the ends as I gazed off into space.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bang of her locker door, and I watched, my patience wearing thin, as she stood up, stretched, and then slowly walked away, her hips swing in a way that made me think she was strutting down a runway and not the spit slick walkways of our school. 

Undoing my locker and placing my books inside, I stared blankly into its messy interior, the sick churning of my stomach starting up again. I lowered my head and pressed it against the cool frame of my locker, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply. After a moment I pulled away, tugging out my wallet and snatching a note from inside. My fingers curled around the dented metal of my door, slamming it shut to reveal the imposing figure leaning behind it.

My hand shot out involuntarily, smacking against the set of lockers against the wall. My shock was momentarily misplaced as I held my stinging hand.

"Bloody Hell!" I breathed, ducking my head in embarrassment as soon as the words came out. I glanced around us at the now empty locker space, before looking back up at Damon, feeling suspicious, nervous and painful all at the same time.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely, not wanting to sound rude. Damon didn't say anything, just stared into my eyes with so much intensity that I had to look away. I blinked while my head was down, sucking in a deep breath before looking up at him once again. He was still staring at me, but it was less intimidating than before, allowing me to relax ever so slightly.

I raised my eyebrows slowly, still staring at him, encouraging him to say something, because I sure as Hell wasn't going to utter another word until he did. I could practically feel the authority rolling off of him in waves, and they crashed against me, covering me, making me feel inferior just by standing opposite him.

Another silence went by, and I was just thinking about breaking my vow of silence and saying something when Damon reached towards me and took my hand, cradling it gently with his own. His thumb started to move in slow, soft circles on the back of my hand, almost like he was trying to make me relax. Yeah, I didn't see that happening anytime soon. My face was frozen, a look of surprise mixed with shock clearly evident in my features as he stared into my eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak, his soft pink lips parting and allowing me a quick glimpse at his pearly white teeth before his lips where covering them again. I managed, with some difficulty, to drag my eyes away from his mouth, and focus instead on the situation at hand. Was this actually happening? Could this actually be happening? I was pretty damn sure that it wasn't, not in real life anyway.

But what he said next shocked me out of my thoughts, and managed to convince me that this might not be a daydream after all.

"I need you," He said, his deep voice hushed, "To be my fake girlfriend."

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