Chapter 3

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I woke up pretty early the next morning, I sat up only to see Enzo on the floor sleeping with no pillow and no blanket "What an Idiot" I mumble "Hey I heard that" he says in a raspy voice his eyes still closed making me chuckle

"Hey I'm gonna go change in my dorm meet me in the common room so we can head to breakfast" "Sure" I reply going in to the bathroom to get ready.

I put on my uniform witch surprisingly fits my curves very well this year, did some light makeup and put on rings, I grabbed my bag and headed down to the common room.

I saw Enzo was already waiting there for me playing with his rings "You coming or not" I say making my way to the door entrance of the common room. We head out and make our way to the great hall.

As soon as I went in a saw Theo and the Hufflepuff slut next to him giggling at something he said. As soon as he saw me he got up from his chair and started walking towards me, but Enzo being the lifesaver that he is notices and pulled me towards our usual spot before he could reach me.

I sit down next to Skai and Enzo with Draco Pansy and Blaise sitting across from us.

"Where were you last night?"I ask Skai loud enough for only us 6 to hear. Blaise looks up from his food making eye contact with Skai with a big smirk blastered on his face. I instantly realized what's going on.

"Ohhh Ok" I say turning to Skai with a smirk on my face while she just looked at me trying to hold a Sirius face without giggling.

Soon enough Mattheo came in to the great hall, strutting like he own the place and came to sit down next to Draco.

"Hey there's a party tonight in the common room at 9 all houses invited are yall coming? " asked Blaise. "Sure why not" I reply twirling my butterfly knife around.

After class was finished I made my way to the potions classroom, I think I have this class by myself. I walked in and took my usual seat until Professor Slughorn came in the class.

Shortly after the classroom door opened and inside came Mattheo. "Already late on your first day Mr.Riddle" "Sorry Professor I kinda lost my way around this big school" he said trying to act all innocent but just because the professor was buying it doest mean I will.

"Mrs.Hamilton singe you are in fact my top student in this class could you be so kind as to tutor Mr.Riddle here these first few days just so he can keep up" I huffed quietly "Of course Professor" I reply with the fakest smile on my face.

"Wonderful, Mr.Riddle take a seat next to Miss.Hamilton please", Mattheo made his way to my desk and took a seat next to me.

"I guess your stuck with me darling'' he says in a husky voice with a smirk on his face "I guess I am mr.Riddle" I say with the same tone.

"So class today we are going to do just a little bit of revision of last year so everybody please take out your parchment and your quills" says professor Slughorn in a cheeky tone.

I take out my parchment and my quill and start writing down what professor is writing on the board but I keep feeling a pair of eyes piercing through my skin, I turn to the side just to see Mattheo staring at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I smirk

Mattheo's Pov

I wasn't even trying to listen to what Slughhorn was rambling about but on the other side the girl next to me seemed pretty interested in the subject.

I couldn't help but notice little details about her features, but I'm not foolish enough to fall for anybody right now.

But on the same time there's something about her that just doesn't sit right with me, she has something that makes me want to know more about her.

Just like everybody else i want to make her life miserable, I like seeing people suffer all because of me but for some reason there's this part of me that thinks she can be useful in someway, a part of me feels like she doest deserve it.

Oh snap out of it Mattheo , remember what father told you, those things only make you weaker.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" a soft voice snaps me out of my thoughts

I feel into deep thoughts and didn't even notice I was staring,

"Don't flatter yourself love" I say mimicking the smirk she gave me

Just then the bell rings and we take our stuff and walk out of class.

Back to Your POV

The next few classes went by pretty quickly and its now time for Lunch.

Me and Skai made our way to the great hall . Turns out her and Blaise are official now, I'm very happy for them and now me and Enzo are stuck Third-welling those four.

We enter in the great hall and take our seats as soon as the food appears i feel a tap on my shoulder, i turn around to see my two favorite Weasleys, Fred and George.

"Fred! George! long time no see" I say with a smile on ma face "it sure has" they say in union, I forgot how creppy that was.

"Hey , are you coming to the Party tonight" "it think so yeah" I reply "You better make it we coming all in with the drinks and Lovegood is bringing the stash.

A smirk forms on my lips "Oh I will definitely be there"

A/N So this is Chapter 3 I hope yall like it, comment for any suggestions <3

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