Part 1 i guess. (idk)

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Three years.

Thats how long its been since my world just up and left me.

No warnings or anything he just left. I went through the stages. The depression. The locking myself in my room for weeks on end. The tears, oh god were there alot of tears. And the therapy.
They announced Katsuki Bakugo dead last year. I've taken down the photos. The love notes. I put all his hoodies in the attic. To anyone who never met him it was as if he never existed.

Summer break is nearly over and Shota and Mic are coming back from thier anniversary trip. Eri is at a friends house and Toshi is at home with denki. I hope they finish before we get back. That would be a terrible welcome home gift.
"Okay they're at gate three. . . "
I turn around to see Hizashi and Shoto exiting the gate smiling. I can only imagine what they were talking about to make Sho blush like a school girl- nevermind. I dont want to know. I smile and wave as they catch sight of me.
"Noah! " Mic calls as he tugs Shotas sleeve, dragging him towards me.I laugh.
"Have fun?" Mic opens his mouth to speak. "Dont answer that!"I quickly say. He pouts.
"Such a baby." I load the bags into the trunk and get into the drivers side.
20 minutes of small talk and a pit-stop to pick Eri up, we finally made it home. I unlock the door and push it open with my foot, only to turn around and hear a moan. Great. Perfect. Terrific.
"Hey sparky! Discount Eraserhead! Times up!"
There was a shuffling noise and a bang as Denki fell over, trying to put his shorts on, before they ran down the stairs. Denki gulped.
"Chill." I say. He quickly says his goodbyes and rushes out of the house. I put the bags upstairs and return to the kitchen to begin dinner when the phone rings.
"I Got It!" I yell as I pick up the phone.
"Hello erasermic household. Who is this?"
"We need to talk"
I'm caught off guard by the voice. This is a voice I've heard many times before. A voice that used to sing me to sleep. A voice that was always there to comfort me. A voice of someone that should be dead. . .
"Where are you?" I say, altering my voice to be quieter.
The line went dead and all I can do is stand there. Im frozen.
"Is everything alright Noah?" Hizashi walks up behind me, concerned. I just put the phone down and turn towards him, sporting a fake smile.
"Yeah. Just have to work overtime s'all"
He nods, understanding, and goes to sit on the couch. I grab my coat and walk outside. Its begginning to rain. I like the rain. Its sort of soothing. And it reminds me of the person Im about to see. I look up to see said person pacing inbetween a couple benches. Hes changed. Alot. He dyed his hair deep blue with black tips. He has a couple tattoos cascading down his arms. Piercings everywhere. But it was the same guy. The same person I fell in love with. The same person that destroyed me. The same person Im about to forgive. We dont talk. Just sit next to eachother as katsuki fidgets constantly and I watch him. Bakugo breaks the silence first.
"Im sorry. "
Thats it. I snap. Yelling profanities and insults at him constantly. He wont stop me. He doesnt. He just sits there, taking it.
The entire time all thats going through my mind is how much I should hate this man, that I shouldve hung up as soon as I recognised the sound of his voice, that I should walk away. But I dont. I stand there panting, still watching him. A tear falls onto the ground beneath his hunched figure. Its quickly followed by another. I melt instantly. My body moves before i tell it too. All of a sudden im kneeling next to him, sending him comforting messages. It doesnt make any sense ,I know, but I couldnt not help him. The next hour was spent with him in my arms. All too soon he had to leave.

When I return home the house was deserted. Everyone is asleep with a couple discarded pizza boxes on the counter. I walk upstairs and open Hitoshis door to see him asleep in front of his laptop. When I've closed his laptop and put it on the desk I turn off the light and move to Eris room, quickly turning off her nightlight. I wish my parents goodnight and move to my own room. Nothing fancy. Just some books and art supplies. Tomorrow is to far away to think about today.
~next day~
As always the sun shines blindingly through my window. I hate the sun. Its always waking me up. But I suppose it a good thing. I walk downstairs to see aizawa and mic already awake and doing paperwork. I make coffee and walk over to stand behind them. I sip the coffee as I corrected thier mistakes and missed signatures. Most of the time I'm the mature one. Its like the house is filled with 3 children ,a slug and a 30 year old in a teenagers body. This really is a fucked up family but we all love eachother.

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