Alexander Hamilton AU Part 1

Start from the beginning

Tokoyami: "Hmm, yes, it is quite interesting to see what I look like as a person, and might I add, I look quite good"

Madison/Tokoyami: Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain
Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain
And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain

He sang as it showed Izuku writing on a piece of paper

Kaminari: "What refrain?"

Pony: "I believe they're referring to the letter he wrote after the hurricane hit St Croix, where the young Hamilton was living, the people of the town he lived in was so impressed, they sent him to study"

Kaminari: "ok"

Well, the word got around, they said, “This kid is insane, man”
Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland
“Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came, and
The world's gonna know your name. What’s your name, man?”

All Might: "Izuku in this universe must've been very impressive" he thought in his head, proud of his successor

Alexander Hamilton
My name is Alexander Hamilton
And there's a million things I haven't done
But just you wait, just you wait...

Eri: "Hey, it's Deku" she said pointing at the screen

All Might was happy to see his successor sing on screen

When he was ten his father split, full of it, debt-ridden

We see Izuku Hamilton's father walk away

Two years later, see Alex and his mother bed-ridden
Half-dead sittin' in their own sick, the scent thick

We see Izuhamilton's mother lying down in a bed, sweaty

Ochaco: "Is that me, I sound like a great singer"

And Alex got better but his mother went quick

Tsu: "Poor, Deku, kero"

Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide

It sang showing Izuhamilton move in with a cousin, the cousin commited suicide

Tenya: "I-Is that me?"

Pony: "Yes, that is you, you're the first president of United States, George Washington"

Aizawa: "No child should've seen that"

Tenya Washington: Left him with nothin' but ruined pride, something new inside
A voice saying
“Alex, you gotta fend for yourself.”
He started retreatin' and readin' every treatise on the shelf

Mina: "Yeah, Deku!"

Kota: "Go, Izuku"

There would have been nothin’ left to do
For someone less astute
He woulda been dead or destitute
Without a cent of restitution
Started workin', clerkin' for his late mother's landlord
Tradin’ sugar cane and rum and all the things he can’t afford

Present Mic: "I think this song'll be stuck in my head!"

Midnight: "I know right, it's so catchy"

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