Though he wasn't sure whether Chan was serious, Hyunjin agreed on going to the park together but he still kept his guard up. The older had told him to get ready but since the dancer was already, he only waited in his room for Chan to get him. The leader himself wasn't ready but he couldn't have Hyunjin watch him pack. The weather was perfect for a picnic, so he made them sandwiches and sliced a few apples, carefully storing them in his backpack along with a few boxes of juice. He also packed animal crackers, knowing it was one of the little's favorite snacks. When he was satisfied he had everything prepared, he waved Minho and Jisung good bye as they headed out first. Changbin had already taken Felix out earlier that morning, so it would only be the two maknaes home. Chan went to Hyunjin's room to tell him they could leave now but the younger's demeanor was still rather distant and reserved. As they put on their shoes, the leader quickly bent down to tie his dongsaeng's shoes for him, causing the younger to blush madly. The small action was making it harder for Hyunjin to keep his cold and confident act up. Chan was still so sweet and caring towards him, he wouldn't hurt him or leave him behind even after the things he had learned about him. "Daddy, Jinnie be little now?", the dancer asked shyly. The caregiver nodded, smiling: "Go ahead angel."

They walked to the park and as soon as they had to cross the first street, Jinnie slipped his hand into Chan's, giving him an innocent smile. The older already had the perfect spot for their picnic in mind. There was a huge tree which would give them some shade. He placed his backpack down next to the tree and tapped the little's shoulder, speeding off after yelling: "Got you." Jinnie stood there confused for a few seconds but soon took off after his daddy. Having long legs certainly proved to be an advantage and he soon caught up to the other. The few rounds of tag left them panting and instead of running away when the little ran towards him, Chan caught him around the waist and breathed: "Let's take a break, daddy's tired." – "Jinnie hungwy", the other pouted, poking his tummy. The leader guided him back to the tree where he had left his backpack, laughing: "Good that daddy brought some food, hm?"

He spread out a blanket on the grass and told Jinnie to sit down, then he handed him a sandwich before also unpacking a box of apple slices. Punching the straw into one of the juice boxes, he handed it to the little cooing: "Daddy's little angel must be so thirsty after all that running around." The younger nodded, gulping down the juice. Chan sat down himself and took out his sandwich, watching his little nibble cutely on his. What had he done to deserve such a precious boy? The leader was the first to finish his food because Jinnie took the smallest bites possible. Laying back, he followed the branches with his eyes and relaxed. It was sweet how calming littlespace could be even if you weren't the one regressing. It had just added some extra soft sweetness to his life and he wouldn't want to miss out on it anymore. Then he felt a weight on his chest. Lifting his head, he found the little cuddled into him. Jinnie snuggled extra-close, mumbling: "Wan' nap, daddy." Cooing, Chan drew patterns on the younger's back to lure him to sleep before closing his eyes too. Sleeping a bit more on days off surely wouldn't hurt him.

When Chan woke up again, Jinnie was gone. Eyes widening, he sat up and looked around but the younger was nowhere to be seen. All he found was a flower that fell out of his hair and into his lap. Confused, the leader reached up to touch his hair, only to find even more flowers in it. Carefully he plucked the flowers out and placed them on the picnic blanket. Then he got up to go look for his little but he didn't have to go far as the boy skipped towards him with a bunch of flowers in his hands. "Nuuuh, daddy why chu take 'em out?", he whined, realizing in horror that his pretty work had been destroyed, "Chu looked pwetty with pwetty haiw." – "Aww, angel, daddy's sorry. Do you want me to show you how to make a flower crown out of those?", Chan offered, guilty that he had put an end to whatever Jinnie was doing while he had been asleep. The younger quickly cheered up and nodded at him excitedly. They gathered all the flowers they had on the blanket and sat down in front of them, while Chan explained: "You just have to carefully twist the stems around each other. Then when you have a thin ring, you wrap more flowers around it." Jinnie did his best to follow his daddy's instructions and watch the older do it but it always came apart again. He frustratedly threw the flowers down after a few minutes and whined. Chan shifted his position to sit behind the younger, chuckling: "Let daddy help you." The little picked the flowers back up and let his caregiver guide his hands. Despite their best attempts, it didn't work and Jinnie pouted sadly. "It's okay, angel. Here, look at daddy", Chan comforted, placing the flower crown he had made on the little's head, cooing: "You're so, so pretty, baby."

The blush didn't really fade after that as the younger proudly wore his caregiver's flower crown. "Oh, I almost forgot. I brought a special treat for my little angel", Chan announced, rummaging through his backpack, "Look, animal crackers." Jinnie happily clapped his hands and opened his mouth for the older to feed him. He happily munched on his favorite snack forgetting his earlier frustration. "Nom", he giggled every time he popped another one into his mouth. The caregiver couldn't help but laugh along, secretly videotaping the scene. This was nothing he'd ever want to forget as his little had brought him more joy than he had felt in a long time. Just as they were at their happiest, a drop hit Chan's face and he looked up to see how big dark clouds had covered the sun.

He quickly packed their things up and sighed: "Let's get home before the rain gets worse." Though reluctant, Jinnie got up too and pouted at the dark clouds. He was having so much fun with his daddy, so why did they have to ruin everything? They held hands while jogging back to the dorm building. Mere seconds after they had made it into the building, the real down pour started and they looked at each other, letting out a relieved laugh. They had made it back just in time. Seungmin and Jeongin had been watching movies in the maknae's room when they had left and the rest of the members were out too, so Chan didn't expect them to run into anyone as he opened the door to their dorm. What he hadn't noticed was the storm warning lighting up his phone screen which had prompted all the members to rush home, just like they had. Jisung and Felix were in the living room, smiling at the pair. They were chatting and trying to pass the time while their boyfriends rushed to set up a movie night to surprise the two youngers with a double date after their initial plans had to be changed. "Aww, is he little?", Felix beamed, noticing how Jinnie held onto Chan's hand and looked at the leader with big doe eyes. The oldest looked at his friend shocked, frowning: "You knew?" – "Hyung, we all know", Jisung explained, "He told us about it." – "He told you?", Chan hummed, hurt clear in his eyes, "Jinnie, why didn't you tell me when you told everyone else?"

The little bit his lip, not able to stand the disappointed tone in his caregiver's voice. He mumbled: "Sowwy daddy." – "You really trust me that much, huh?", the leader sighed defeatedly as his eyes stung. He took a step back, letting go of the younger's hand. Hyunjin's heart started racing, he didn't like where this was going at all. Forcefully pulling himself out of his headspace, he grabbed Chan's arm, exclaiming: "No, hyung, that's not why-" – "Mhm, thanks Hyunjin", the leader cut him off coldly. He needed to leave now otherwise he'd tear up in front of his dongsaengs. It just hurt too bad. He thought the younger trusted him and that he knew he could always come to him but now the dancer had trusted each of their members over him and that stung badly. Pulling his arms away, Chan turned around and walked out the door without looking back once. A loud sob tore from Hyunjin's throat. He lowered his head and looked at the ground, causing the flower crown to fall off of his head. Felix was by his side in an instant, being the only one hearing the little's broken whimper: "Please, daddy, don't leave me behind."

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