Flower crowns

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No one's POV.:

Chan had been Hyunjin's caregiver ever since the day he found him in his headspace and the little's diary had gotten a completely new purpose. He didn't have to write his bad thoughts down anymore because Chan was always there to talk with him about it and to tell him most of those insecurities weren't true. The pages of his diary had become so much friendlier in color, as the little wrote about the fun things he and his daddy did together. He wanted to be able to remember all their adventures together but feared he would forget everything as soon as he was out of his headspace. Every evening when he was little, he'd write down how they had spent their day, so when he'd wake up big the next morning, he'd remember. Chan had also bought him new markers and stickers, which now decorated the pages. Hyunjin trusted Chan, so one evening, he gave the leader his diary and allowed him to read what he had written in there before he had become his caregiver. Those were things he couldn't talk about without breaking down but wanted the older to know. Chan felt really touched that his little trusted him with his deepest thoughts and fears. Though tears were already streaming down his face after the first page, he read everything, a sad smile on his lips whenever he read over a section little Jinnie had written. It was only then that he realized how badly the younger had longed for him to be there with him. That night he promised to himself to be the best caregiver Hyunjin could ever have, so he pulled out a notebook of his own and scribbled down the things the little liked and those that he wanted to do with his caregiver, making it his mission to fulfill all these wishes.

When Hyunjin woke up big the next morning, he found his diary on the nightstand, which was odd because he usually put it in the drawer after he finished writing in it. That was when he remembered. The dancer's heart started to race, why had he allowed Chan to read it? What would the older think of him now? Hyunjin groaned into his pillow, he was so pathetic. All he could feel now was regret and he couldn't even be mad at the leader because he had asked him to read it. His eyes started to burn with angry tears but he fought them back, he wouldn't cry over this. He wasn't mad at Chan, he was mad at himself. The leader had accepted his little side, not hating him for it like the dancer had expected. Now he had basically given him a list of reasons why he was a failure and was letting the group down. Why was he trying so hard to make the older hate him?

Avoiding everyone else at the dorm, he snuck to the bathroom and took a shower before getting dressed and putting some makeup on. He felt naked, not physically but all his feelings were spread out in front of Chan or the leader to see. Hyunjin felt naked and pathetic but couldn't change anything about it now, so he tried to boost his confidence with makeup but still didn't find the courage to leave his room. There was a knock at the door and the dancer startled, backing up against his desk. "Y-yeah?", he stammered, staring at the opening door. He couldn't help the sigh of relieve when he realized it was Jisung and not Chan. The younger beamed at him happily and announced: "The interview we were supposed to go to got cancelled and they moved some of our schedule around and... What I wanted to say is we're free today." – "Wait, what?", Hyunjin gasped, "You mean free as in nothing to do? Not a single thing on our schedule?" – "Hm, I mean, I quickly filled my schedule with going on a date with Minho, take some pictures with Minho and watch a movie with Minho", Jisung listed, counting the points on with his fingers. He winked at Hyunjin and went back to his own room to get ready for his date.

Not long after that, the door opened again, revealing Minho mildly panicking because he didn't prepare an outfit the night before as the date was a spontaneous decision. "Oh, Hyunjin-ah, Chan was looking for you", the older said as he rummaged through his clothes. Hyunjin broke into cold sweat and nodded. He was screwed, there was no way he could face the leader now that he knew everything. His hands were shaking as he tried to calm his breath. He had almost calmed himself down completely when he felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump. He turned and was faced with a guilty looking Chan, who apologized: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like this. I just wanted to tell you that our schedules have been cleared, so I thought we could just spend the day together." Giving the leader a questioning look, Hyunjin did not miss the suggestive tone. Chan didn't know that the other members were in on the dancer's little secret, so he didn't want to openly ask him to slip. The opportunity was perfect, Hyunjin would get the chance to be little all day and not only for a few hours. "What are you hinting at hyung?", he frowned, earning a chuckle from Chan. "Just talking about going on a little date, maybe to the park if you want to?", the leader explained, hoping his dongsaeng would finally get the hint, "Oh, by the way, your lipgloss is on point. You look really cute."

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