Part 94

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Heading out of the town we would never step foot in again, I look behind me, still able to see a trail of black smoke drifting up from the trees. And I hear the sirens from the fire trucks rushing out to stop what we've done. But it's too late. They won't be able to save that house. The fire has done what it should. It consumed evil, burning walls that have seen things no one should witness. I look over at Bella as she uses my coat for a pillow. Her small hands rest in her lap. Tiny cuts from broken glass cover her palms, and I know her fingers are sore from the ricochet of the bat. She tore that place up, and all I could do was watch. I didn't make a move to stop her. I didn't make a move to help. She needed that moment, and I let her have it. Sam, Kat, Brennen and Taylor are in the backseat. Yes they fit because Taylor is sleeping in Brennen's lap on his chest so it worked out. I reach over and put my hand on top of her and rub circles on the back of her hand. We decided to drive back because it would give her time it be able to think and decompress before getting back to the real world.

It's been about a week since we've been back and all she's does is sleep. She isn't eating or drinking. I think that really broke her. I should've never allowed her to go there. I sigh and sit at the table with everyone. "I'm really worried about her." Taylor says. "Me too...I just want my best friend back." Kat says laying on Sam's shoulder. He kisses the top of her head and brings his arm and around her resting it on her shoulder. "She just needs time baby." Sam says. Kat shrugs and I sip my white claw. "I'm gonna go check on her." I say. She finally moved all the rest of her stuff because we talked and agreed to it before we left for the funeral. I walk upstairs and open our bedroom door to see she's not it bed. I go to the bathroom and knock softly. "Baby? Are you okay?" I ask. There's no answer so I open the door and she's sitting on the floor with her knees up to her chest and she's hugging them her chin rested on them. " have to snap out of this soon...come on baby we all want our Bella back...I want my girlfriend back baby...what do you need...what can I do." I say. "A hug..." she says. I sigh and laugh the same time because she finally talked. I hug her tightly and I feel the shake of her shoulders. "I know baby...I know." She then looks up at me. "I'm so glad it over." She cries. "I know you are baby." I say holding her. "Colby..." she says. "Yeah..." I say nervous. "I'm pregnant." She says. "NO...BELLA, you're serious right!!" I yell standing and she does as well.

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