Chapter 2: The News

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In the morning, about a month after that night, Dooo woke up and immediately had to puke. Covering his mouth, he ran to the bathroom and projectiled all over the inside of the toilet. McNasty woke up slowly, but wasn't far behind Dooo.

"Dooo? Dooo? Are you okay?" He softly knocked on the door.

"No!" Dooo cried. "My stomach feels awful!" Flushing the toilet and washing himself up, Dooo gently lifted his shirt and turned to his side, looking in the mirror. "Fuck I'm bloated." He muttered before walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey, Princess, why don't I drive you to the hospital? You look like shit and you've been sick as fuck for the past few weeks. I think it's time we go." McNasty rubbed Dooo's shoulders gently and pulled him into a hug.

"Alright. But you gotta carry me to the car." Laughing, McNasty easily swept Dooo off his feet and carried him out to the car.

~At the hospital~

The doctor took some scans and blood work and was taking a really, really long time to look over them. McNasty held Dooo's hand while Dooo sat on the hospital bed, idly picking his nails. At long last, the door opened, and a very confused doctor walked in.

"Alright, Eric, well...I think I have a diagnosis but...let's do an ultrasound first. Just to be sure. Here-" The doctor handed Dooo a hospital gown to change into and let him change.

Dooo laid on the bed as the doctor and some nurses brought in, what he could only assume to be, ultrasound equipment. McNasty stood by Dooo's head, arms crossed, tapping his foot. "Okay, Eric, before we get started, I need to haven't had a sex change to be a man or anything recently, have you?"

McNasty stiffed a laugh and Dooo had a look of utter offence shade his features. "No, doctor, I haven't. I was born a man and have always been a man. I've never taken any girl pills or anything like that either." The doctor nodded and proceeded with the ultra sound.

There was a long moment of silence as the doctor stared blankly at the screen.

"Well?" Dooo asked, growing impatient.

"Well, mister Eric, it seems that you have a baby inside you."





Absolute silence.

McNasty and Dooo shared horrified looks, although for very different reasons, both reasons were grounded by the same thing.

The doctor turned the screen so the two men could see and, sure enough, there was a big black spot along the screen. Dooo had a baby in his stomach.

"How in the fuck did this happen??" Dooo shrieked, holding onto the hospital bed.

"My first guess is sex." The doctor pinched the bridge of his nose. "But that couldn't be the only thing that happened." Looking between the men and the screen, the doctor got really serious and leaned in closer to Dooo. "Did either of you wish for this to happen while there was a shooting star?"

Dooo looked up to McNasty, who was already looking at him. "I-I did but I didn't think there was a star or anything...I didn't mean it!" Dooo stammered, looking back at the doctor through teary eyes.

"Well there we go! Problem solved! You two are complete idiots who obviously don't understand the Celestial Wishing Laws. It's your own faults this happened, AND for not practicing safe sex, you've created this baby." The doctor started turning off the machines and cleaning up.

"Wait," McNasty started "Can't we, ya know, get rid of it? It's early enough it doesn't have a heartbeat or anything?"

"Eric!" Dooo hissed.

"Well, normally, you'd be correct but due to the...circumstances...I'm afraid that removing it is impossible."

"The fuck do you mean impossible?" McNasty shot back.

"None of us know where this baby is even going to come out of, and there's no safe way to get it out. On a woman, you go through her vagina, where the baby is supposed to come out of. Your boyfriend here, I'm afraid, has no vagina. So removing the baby could damage what he does have. If he has the baby in him, obviously his body needs to prepare to take it out on its own. You can't rush these things." The doctor finished and wrote down for some morning sickness pills and the number to a local vagina doctor. "Good luck to you, Eric. I would suggest going to see a gynecologists from now until the end of your pregnancy."

Dooo had questions. So many questions. But before he could even think of where to start, McNasty was already dragging him to the car.

"Pregnant. You're fucking pregnant." McNasty scoffed and shook his head. "I can't believe it's come to this."

"What do you mean?" Dooo asked, suddenly getting nervous.

"Dooo, you can't honestly tell me you want to keep this thing."

"This 'thing' is OUR child, McNasty. Yours and mine. I don't understand how but we obviously have it for a reason. It's a gift."

McNasty nearly slammed on the breaks at that. "Seriously?? You seriously want to keep it? You're not even going to try and find a way to get it out of you?"

"You heard what the doctor said, idiot!" Dooo yelled. Calming down, he reached for McNasty's hand. "Look, I know this is a shock. I know you hate kids. But this could be a blessing in disguise. We have a chance not a lot of people get to have. You and I get to start a family of our own. And who knows? Maybe you'll change your mind about it when it gets here." McNasty was uncomfortably quiet. Dooo hoped he'd come around, be excited about their baby on the way.

When they got in the house, McNasty locked himself in the spare bedroom for a few hours. In the meantime, Dooo looked up some maternity dresses on Amazon, as well as some gender-neutral baby things.

After the sun had gone down, McNasty came out of the room to find Dooo sleeping peacefully on the couch. Picking up his phone, McNasty saw that Dooo had already ordered some dresses and parenting books off Amazon. Somewhat disgusted, he threw the phone to the couch and scooped up the small man in his arms; carrying him to the bedroom and tucking him in. After he laid down, a now awake Dooo snuggled up close.

"Dooo, are you up?" He asked into the dark.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"We need to talk. A serious talk." Silence. "Look...I love you. I love you more than anything, and nothing will change that. And I will stay with you through every second of this pregnancy."

"Good. I'm glad you changed your mind. You're going to be a great dad."

"No, Dooo, I'm not. I'm only staying for the pregnancy. After that...after that, you're on your own."

Wish Upon a Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें