Chapter Six

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A/N: Hey guys, thank you to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, it gives me more motivation to write when you guys give me a couple of words telling me what you thought about what I'm doing. Anyways, Loki is back and he'd going to be here for good, so here's the next chapter! Oh! If you haven't checked it out already, check out the song My Oh My by Tristan Prettyman, it's pretty cool!

WARNING: There's quite a bit of language in the first couple of paragraphs, thanks to our dear Samantha, so yeah. Just wanted to put the warning out there :D


If you like this story and my last one, I just posted another Avengers fanfic, called Castle On A Cloud. It's a Tony/OC, so yeah :)  Check it out if you want!

! #$%^

"My oh my

You're getting under my skin

Don't know why I'm always letting you in

Just when I got my life together again,

Here you are standing there

Tell me why I should try

My oh my"

-My Oh My (Tristan Prettyman)

! #$%^

"Samantha?" Loki knelt beside me, whispering my name as though it were a prayer. I lifted my eyes to meet his own green ones, and shifted slightly so that I was in a sitting position, with Loki by my right side.

And for a long time, I just stared blankly at him, not able to believe my eyes.

Then I got angry.

This couldn't be happening to me. This could not be happening to me. I mean, seriously? After all this time, and now he shows up? I gritted my teeth, and glared at him.

"You fucking bastard!" I shouted, trying to get him to realize how frustrated I was. "I mean, seriously? You kidnap me? You come onto the Helicarrier, and fucking kidnap me?! And how the hell are you even here? You're not supposed to be here, you asshole! After all this time, after making me go through hell without you, and then when I almost get over you, and then you pick now to show up! No! No, no, no, no! It's not fair, you jerk! You fucking jerk!" I screamed, and pushed on his chest, sending him flying back onto his ass.

I sighed, and was suddenly on the verge of tears.

"How are you even here? You were supposed to be in prison up in Asgard for a century… What the hell are you doing here?" I asked softly, and silently cursed my voice for breaking.

"Would you prefer that I was still sitting in my cell?" Loki asked, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I hadn't realized how much I had missed it, how I had missed his voice; that voice that made me want to do anything for him. Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I bristled slightly.

"No!" I said, but then thought over my words. "I mean, at the same time I didn't particularly want you to break out of prison, show up on the Helicarrier, and fucking kidnap me…" I spoke, rambling slightly. Loki just frowned, and blinked at me. I shook my head

"Why are you here, Loki?" I sighed, just needing a straight answer from him. If he broke out of prison, he had to have a reason to come back to Earth. Loki looked away, crossing his arms behind his back, turning away from me. He was silent, and I used the opportunity to think.

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