Captain Dream

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George woke up the next morning, determined to find a job. He got out of bed early and put on some clean clothes that Quackity gratefully let him borrow. He put himself in a white long sleeved button up and some blue jeans. He puts on a dark coat and walked out of his apartment. He walked down the stairs, being greeted by Quackity's grandmother.

He tilted his head slightly and asked, "Where's Quackity?" Quackity's grandmother looked up at George and smiled warmly. She explained to him that Quackity was at her diner, working for a while and that he may need help. George nodded and walked across the street to the diner.

He opened the doors, bells chiming as he entered the small building. It was a nice small diner. Nothing fancy. Just a regular diner. There were many customers and Quackity was taking order, seemingly hard at work. He seemed stressed and George wanted to ask if he could help.

Quackity looked up and noticed George, rushing over to him. "Thank god you're here." Quackity said, breathing rapidly since he was pacing all over the place taking orders. "You're still looking for a job, right?" George nodded. "Great! I could use some help. Ever been a waiter?"

George laughs, "Yes, the last job I had I was a waiter at some small restaurant. It's never been as busy as this diner but I'll be sure to help you take orders and hand food out." Quackity nods quickly and took George to the back room. George put on the apron Quackity handed him. Then he took a pad of note sheets and a pen.

"You know what to do." He smiles. George nods and walked out. He began to take orders from customers and handed out their food as well. Quackity felt relieved as if a whole weight was lifted off his shoulder. The diner had never been buzzing with this much energy for a while but it was nice to see people enjoy their food.

That was until Niki showed up, Tubbo standing next to her. George saw them take a seat at the counter and he walked over to take their order but not before Quackity pulled him into the back room. "Wha-" George started but Quackity hushed him, putting a finger over the others lips to keep him from speaking. Quackity looked back out at the Mayor before turning to look at George.

"You know who that is right?" Quackity asked and George nodded his head softly. "She is a bitch. You need to be as polite and as nice as possible to her, okay? You got me?" George nodded quickly. "Good. Now uh- Go take their order, I suppose. She's been waiting for far too long already." And before George could speak, Quackity was off handing food to people.

George sighs and took a deep breath. He walked over to where Niki and Tubbo sat. Niki looked disgusted at the sight of George. But when Tubbo saw George, his eyes immediately lit up and he was bouncing with joy in his seat.

"Hi George!" Tubbo said, deciding it was best not to call George his father in front of Niki. Niki easily got furious about things that had to do with Tubbo's real parents.

"Since when did you start working here?" Niki asked, venom on her tongue. George felt the knot in his stomach start to twist as he looked at her and Tubbo.

"I- uh" George cursed himself under his breath for stuttering. "I just started today actually." George smiles as real of a smile as he could muster. Then before anymore of conversation could go on, he said, "Anyway, what can I get you? Foods? Drinks?" George said, grabbing out his pen and notepad.

Niki started ordering food. It was pancakes for Tubbo and toast and eggs for her. She ordered a coffee as well and ordered apple juice for Tubbo. George just nodded and walked away, handing a chef their order. He sighs, leaning against the wall. He wondered to himself why Niki seemed to dislike him so bad. She was so set on him being away. He didn't really get it. And he honestly didn't care enough to ask.

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