Chapter 2: Hangover

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Hi :) So I just somehow had a lot of inspiration and planned out the entire book. I think I never finished any of my other books because I didn't plan anything out. So I hope having a plan serves me well.



(Bucky's POV)

I kissed y/n on the forehead and me and Steve left her room after smiling at each other. Once we left her room and closed the door we burst out laughing. Y/n drunk is a hilarious sight.

After our laughter died down Steve and I just stood there for a second in comfortable silence. I really wanted to make a move but I wasn't sure that Steve was ready.

It appears he was ready because when I went to say goodnight he moved closer to me so that our noses were almost touching. Without thinking I shifted towards him too and our lips brushed against each other.

All of a sudden Steve pulled away and stared into my eyes as if he was asking for approval.

I nodded my head and grabbed his left hand with my flesh hand, slowly stroking his knuckles with my thumb.

"Listen Steve, if you aren't ready then I will wait until you are."

Steve just pulled me into a hug and I breathed in his scent for what felt like forever. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I yawned and he laughed.

"Yeah I'm a little tired too Buck. Thank you for not pressuring me into anything that I'm not ready for. I really appreciate it."

"Darling I will wait for you forever if I have to. God knows we've had longer lives than most already. Goodnight Steve."

With that we both walked to our doors which were across the hall from y/n's.

Saturday morning, 10 A.M. (y/n's POV)

I woke up with a massive headache and rolled over to check the time.

But I must've been on the edge of the bed because I fell straight onto the concrete floor. I just laid there for a second contemplating if I should just fall back to sleep on the floor. But before I could do so I heard a faint knock on my door 6 times signaling that it was Wanda.

"Come in!" I groaned

Wanda opened the door and when she saw me laying on the floor she just started laughing and slowly walked over to me offering out her hand to pull me up. I used all of the strength I could muster and stood up with most of my body weight being supported by Wanda.

"gOoDmOrNiNg Wanda. Do you think you could get me some Advil? I have a terrible hangover from dinner last night."

"Yeah I'll go get it. You just sit on the bed and don't move until I get back okay?"

"I won't move I swear. I don't have the energy."

Wanda left for a few minutes and came back with a glass of water and two Advil.

"Thank you so much Wanda. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I don't know either y/n/n"

After I swallowed the pills Wanda and I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. Wanda decided that she wanted to make pancakes for us.

After she finished I grabbed some toppings out of the fridge. I grabbed the whipped cream and sprayed some in my mouth.

"Do you want whipped cream on your pancakes Wanda?"

"Yeah I'll take some. But I want to do it myself this time."

"Aww but last time was so fun. Don't you remember?" As I spoke out those last words I sprayed some whipped cream onto Wanda's face.

"YOU BITCH!! I will get you back for this y/n!"

"NO! please don't Wanda. I will clean you up."

I think she though I was going for the paper towels when I moved closer to her but instead I just scooped up some of the whipped cream off of her face and put it in my mouth. Sucking on my finger and pulling it out with a pop.

I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was shocked by my actions so I went a little further and licked the rest of the whipped cream off of her cheek.

I pulled away and licked my lips making an mmm sound while I flirtatiously stared into her eyes. Wanda and I flirt all of the time but this was on another level and she knew it.

Wanda stared at my lips for a few second before looking back up at my eyes. She moved her hand to my cheek gently caressing my jaw. I leaned into her touch, closing my eyes.

Before I could open my eyes Wanda had already placed a short and sweet kiss on my lips. My eyes flew back open for a few second before closing again when I grabbed both sides of her head with my hands and kissed her passionately. My tongue swiped against her bottom lip asking for entrance. Before she had a chance to react we both heard someone clear their throat.

Steve had walked in and saw us.

"Um.....please don't tell anyone Steve."

"I swear on Peggy's grave."

"Damn Steve it's not that serious. We just need to talk about what this is before we go public."

"You okay with that Wanda?"

"Yeah that's what I was thinking too y/n/n."

"Anyways.........Breakfast anyone?"


946 words I sprained my finger yesterday so I can't write as fast as normal. Please be patient with me on updates.

Also, can you guys please comment if you get my updates. Because I will always post an update when a new chapter is up and I want to make sure that they are actually working. Thank youuu :)

Best friends to lovers *poly*(y/n x bucky x steve)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum