Yule Tide

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Harrys POV

I awkwardly walked into the ballroom (great hall) with Parvati clinging to my arm, I found out which one it was thanks to Ron. We have to dance. I hate dancing, it's boring and not to mention I'm completely shit at it. I sigh looking at her whispering "sorry" as we start to dance.

As soon as the dance has finished I go and find Ron and we sit down on a bench together talking about quidditch and Hermione being there with Krum, traitor as Ron would say.

I turn my focus over to the silhouette in the corner on the other side of the room. I see a dark figure hidden in the shade, I know who it is as his fuck off bright white hair stick out from 10 miles away. I wonder if he is okay, I haven't seen him dance tonight and I'm not stupid all purebloods are taught to dance, even Ron was not that he's any good. But Draco, he would know and be brilliant at it. Deatheater Malfoy wouldn't have it any different. In the Malfoy household you've got to be the best of the best or you fail.

Suddenly, I'm being shook. I look over to see Ron speaking. "Mate, Let's go" huh? What happened, he seemed annoyed. "What, What happened?" I asked, dazed. He tells me all about his fight with Hermione he had just had, apparently it was pretty loud. Oops, I need to stop daydreaming. I get up and follow him, watching Mione storm away. I shrug and pull Ron towards our rooms. Telling him to leave her alone until she calms down.

Draco POV

One dance, that is all she gets, one dance. I don't want to be here, I don't like it here, I don't care about this stupid dance. But Malfoy's have to do everything by the book, so here I am, 30 minutes late to the party, standing around the drinks table waiting for the time to pass. I slowly back myself away from the whole thing and into a corner where I'm hidden. I can feel someone watching me but I can't find them. Pansy keeps nagging me to dance with her more, but I really don't like her or want to. She is such a slut, she is the sluttiest of all the sluts. I shoo her away to Blaise, I watch them dance and laugh as Blaise falls down, Pansy stepping on his toes. I look over to Blaise and nod to the door. Expressing that I'm gonna take my leave and I'm free. Finally free of that nightmare.

I can go home to the comfort of my own place and mind. Thank Merlin for all that, the worst 3 hours of my life. As I'm heading back I realize that it will be a few hours before anyone comes back to the common room, enough time for me to regress and be free from my hard life even if it's just for a few hours. This means I can actually get some warm Milk for bed today and even put it in my bottle!

I run to my room excited for my little time, I go to my trunk full of all my necessary items, I throw everything out onto the floor, already going through my nighttime checklist of things: Paci, check. Bottle,check. Dragon stuffie, check. Snake Stuffie, check. Dragon Blankie, check. Bedtime Cookie, check.

That's all, I smile to myself as I get out of the gross sweaty suit and into some fluffy neon green pants with a dark green top that has Broomsticks all over it. As I'm pouring the milk in my bottle I slip my green deco paci into my mouth to chew on it while I wait for the milk to warm up. It took me forever to get this paci, it's my favourite. I had to order it carefully and then hide the package, not let anyone see it when it arrived by my owl in the great hall. But it was worth it, I love it.

When the milk is ready I do the bottle up and shake it to make the warm go all through it and I waddle back to my room, slowly slipping further into my headspace. I walk to the couch and fireplace in my room getting on my knees and playing with my stuffies, with not a care in the world. Paci in my mouth as I talk to my friends Dwagon and Snakey who are playing together. I take little sips from my milky bottle while doing so, super excited to go on an adventure with my friends.

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