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12 pm

I woke up at 9am,took shower,ate and get ready for first day of job. Working in museum was always my dream. Being around with old&new art,with famous artist around the world. You can feel how everyone had their vision while they were making that piece of art... Art is really one big love for me. I grew up drawing and painting. The movements of your arm when u have that special emotions that you are trying to express on canvas. Its really amazing how art actually is free place for an artist. They put their own world on that. Sometimes I really say bunch of words and actually say nothing-.

Putting my longer coloured blue hair up with clip. "My roots grew a little bit i should dye it soon.." I said to myself while looking in mirror. I stood there for a moment looking at my figure. Currently my hair is up,showing my face more clear, round face with chubby cheeks,pointy nose,brown eyes,shortish height. Yes looks like me. Jung Wheein. Normal girl from
Jeonju. Having casual outfit on and getting ready for job interview! Working at museum wahh my dream might finally come true! I smiled tiny bit and took my purse. Unlocked the door,got outside from my apartment and locked the door again. As I went down the stairs,i looked at one time "1PM?! I'LL BE LATE"  I called taxi as I ran down the stairs. Fuck I didn't think of time at all.. I stood infront of building waiting for taxi... I looked at phone for 5 minutes and then taxi came. I got inside and told the older man adresse. He slightly smiled and nodded his head. He had a few pores on his face,he could be in his 50's maybe? We chatted about these day,because they were super hot and weather isn't just normal. We got to my adress,I gave him money and how i got out i slightly bowed in respect and smiled "Thank you for a ride uncle!" He smiled back at me and went to his way. It's really rare to find good people. I shook my head and got inside of museum. Wow it looks beautiful... The older woman bowed to me and I did it also " Hello,I'm Jung Wheein! I'm here for an job interview!" I put my hand infront so we can shake hands,woman gave her hand also and we shook our hands "Hello Wheein-shi it's nice to meet you. Follow me,I'll show u museum and we are going to have small talk" she smiled and we started walking.

That day i got the job at that art museum.. I was happy that Igot a job at the place that I likes, plus it's art my biggest love. An older woman welcomed me with a sweet smile and showed me around the place. I was happy and amazed by the look of the museum. There were some people who were watching that art, but in all of that people I saw one specific guy...  The way that he was just looking and explaining art to some people was amazing.. You could see his passion for art in those two brown eyes. He was explainable in one word. Perfect. He has the cutest smile and the way he was treating people was amazing. "Are you okay?" the older woman asked me. I shook  head and came back to reality "Yeah yeah,I'm sorry. I was just looking at some paintings" I smiled at the thing I just said.. 'Cause in my eyes he was that art...' 

We sat down in back of museum drinking tea. Older woman was really nice person,she also loved art and some of those pieces was her. It was already 4pm. The museum would close for 30 minutes so people can go on small break,to eat,go outside or just rest from crowds that was there. My job would basically be walking around,looking at people,waiting for someone to ask me something about art,then if some artist come to be there and help them. And woman also said some of our art works can be there! I got really happy after I heard it,cause someone can look at my work and maybe even buy it like wow.. I looked over at an older computer and saw on cameras that there is no people and that guy was locking the museum door and was coming this way. I asked the older woman is he working here and she said yes. "Looks like imma have a lot of inspiration while working here" I laughed at myself and then I saw guy standing infront of us. I quickly stood up and bowed "Hiii! My name is Jung Wheein! It's nice to meet you!" My dimples were showing from how much i was smiling. He looks even better this close. Really one big wow. He smiled back "Hi,I'm Kim Taehyung,it's nice to meet you too! I hope we gonna work well together". And that day I knew i fell in love from the first sight...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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