Chamber of Secrests

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                              Y/N'S POV
we had quidditch practice the next day and right now my hair only have pink tips as it was the last day it is pink
"I spent the summer devising a whole new quidditch program. We're going to train earlier, harder, and longer." Oliver says as we walk to the quidditch pitch then we see green robes "Where do you think your going, Flint?"
"Quidditch practice"
"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today"
"Easy wood, I've got a note" I then see Ron, Draco, and Hermione run to us as Oliver read the note I turn around to see Cho, Cedric, Alex and Amelia come to us but standing behind the team
"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker. You've got a new seeker? Who?" They clear a path and we saw...... Clearwater
"Clearwater?" harry asks
"That's right and that's not all that's new this year"
"Those are nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?"
"A gift from Adrian's parents"
"You see Weasleys unlike some. My parents can afford the best"
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy there way in. They got in on pure talent"
Draco nods
"No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mud blood" I heard lost of gasps. That's when i lost it I threw my broom to harry he caught it and I began to charge at him but was being held back by the twins i see my 3 Hufflepuff and 1 Ravenclaw friends glaring at them

"LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO!!!" as they kept pulling me back i see Ron try to do a spell but it backfired and hit Draco everyone ran to him and Slytherins laughed. The twins pulled me with them but i finally got out of their grasp
and walked to clearwater. At this point everyone was staring at me. I walked up to him and punched him in the nose as he fell to the ground as everyone looked with wide-eyes. Then grabbed his broom and Smashed it against the wall everyone gasped as i keep a hard cold glare and threw what was the rest of his broom at him.
"IM SURE YOUR PARENTS CAN BUY YOU A NEW ONE RIGHT CLEARWATER" I yelled at him as he just looked at me in fear i turn to the Slytherin team as they back away. I went over to my cousin concerned everyone looked at me in shock as they cleared a path.
"let's take him to Hagrid he'll know what to do" I tell my 3 friends as they all have wide-eyes and just nodded as they pick him up. I look at the Slytherin team who started to laugh as the quickly shut up, Helped clearwater and left once they were gone everyone started clapping as i left i look at Cho,Cedric,Amelia and Alex they all just smiled at me.

Amelia's POV
Gosh she is amazing I thought as she walked away with her friends and cousin. I wish me and Alex could tell her the truth but right now is not a good time
"Well tell her soon"
"I know it's just-"
"I know me too" he said i know he knew what i was thinking cause he's my twin
"I think she's old enough to know" cho said. Her and Cedric know the truth and they said that they wouldn't say anything to her that they would let me and Alex do it
"I agree with cho"
"Maybe next year I mean she'll be a teenager I think it's old enough" Alex says
"Ok next year for sure we tell her ok. I can't keep doing this"
"Alright" after we sat in the court yard talking

Harry's POV
When we were walking to Hagrid's Draco kept coughing up slugs as me and Ron were holding him hermione in front of us with y/n. I could stop thinking about what y/n did she's amazing just perfect with her brown eyes and black hair.... well she had pink tips right but still she's just perfect I don't know how anyone can not like her i mean she sweet, kind and a badass. But there was something weird i saw her eyes flash red but i'm probably just seeing things.

"Harry stop staring at y/n and focus more with Draco right now. You have all the time in the world to stare at her right now Draco is coughing up slugs" I look at him i hadn't realized i was staring we get to hagrid's and he opens the door when he sees Draco throw up a slug and let's us in as he hands Draco a bucket for him to throw the slugs in.

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