in the beginning...

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  ■ After talking to the UA first year students ■

"Let's just be grateful to Mirio", was all Amajiki could say after seeing his best friend defeat the first years. Luckily he didn't have to fight... he would've been to nervous anyway.

Now that they were finished with their daily tasks The Big Three were headed to their dorms to get some rest after being exhausted from a hard trainingsession yesterday.
Once arrived their ways parted. Mirio headed to the kitchen to eat something while Nejire decided to spend some time with her friends in the common area. Tamaki on the other hand was too exhausted to be bothered with social interaction so he made his way to his room. The stairs were harder to climb than he remembered but that's to be expected he figured. His muscles were still aching from overusing his quirk in the exercise yesterday. You're almost there, Tamaki. Once in your own space you can relax and sleep. With that thought in mind he dragged himself up the last steps so he could finally lay down. No sooner said than done: Tamaki entered his room and collapsed on the bed.

Now that he was laying on his back staring at the ceiling his mind began to wander. Mirio was just awesome today. Even if he didn't need to show off so much he still managed to do it without coming across as arrogant. In contrary, he was a smiling goofball like he always is. Looking free of troubles... just genuinely happy. I really admire him for being that way. If only I could be that way. But I just can't. I'm a coward. What can I ev..v...
A loud noise interrupted his train of thought. What was that?, Amajiki thought. Maybe it's Mirio again. Just last week he let some dumbbells fall on the floor at 4 in the morning. What do you even do this early training? Usually it wouldn't have bothered him but Mirio lived exactly above so there was no chance but to notice it. For Gods sake all I want to do is sleep. Tamaki shook his head when thinking about this  while simultaniously smiling. Togata Mirio drove him crazy sometimes but since he was his best friend he wouldn't want him to change. In fact, tamaki loved all of Mirio's little oddities. Actually everything that his friend does made him feel like he was high on some kind of drug. All he wanted was to be with Mirio. ALL. THE. TIME. Whenever his friend was around he felt like he belonged. He really loved this guy.
Wait what? I mean I love him as my best friend... like you do, right? But he couldn't get more into that since he heard that weird noise again. Where does this come from?

How can you love someone like me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora