Journey to the kalos region

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It has been a few hours ever since you left the galar region to go to somewhere else.

On the way there, you were scared to bring up conversation with the infernape, but you decided to ask it questions.

Infernape: just so you know, you will not call me infernape. You will call me Arin.


Infernape named Arin: let me explain from the very beginning. You are my brother.

Arin: back before all this happened, about 9 months ago we had a pretty nice family. We lived in the galar region with our mother and father still in the picture.

Arin: But then our father changed. He then had a world changing idea that could change everything. He left home soon after for 8 months. Every time I missed him, mum would just say "don't worry Arin. He'll come back for us soon."

Arin: when we visited his new house, though, we realized that he went and got with another woman and had a son too.

Arin: this mentally broke mom. She went insane and had a mental breakdown because of this, even harming me in the process. So what's this world changing idea, you ask?

Arin: he calls it Pokémon gene splicing. He puts the cells of Pokémon into a human Through complicated means. He wanted to make "the ultimate human"

Arin: after he left, we both tried to bring him back, but we were both brought in as test subjects. He made me into the creature you see now. I have luckily retained my English side and you retained your looks. But let's talk about the others.

Arin: Almost all of them were failures. They all looked like the Pokémon the DNA was from. This wasn't gonna work because he wanted "the ultimate human" to look human. The failures released in the wild.

Arin: but, he had an idea. He used a ditto's DNA and combined it with yours. This plan worked and you still had your human looks. But, you had lost your memory which made things easier for him.

Arin: and that's what happened up until now.

(Y/N): wow. All of this has happened so fast. It's a little hard to believe what's happening.

Arin: don't worry, I completely get it.

Then... complete silence between the two of you.

(Y/N): so, uh... where are we going?

Arin: we're going to another region. We had to leave galar because dad's subordinates would've caught us if we stayed.

(Y/N): I get that, but why the kalos region?

Arin: it's the nearest region that's not too close but will hide us for a good few years.

(Y/N): how long until we get there?

Arin: lapras?

Lapras: *lapras noise*

Arin: about eight hours at least. It'll probably take more because lapras is starting to get tired.

(Y/N):Do we have any food?


(Y/N): Arin?

Arin: Oh, look! A convenient cruise ship!

You look over to see a giant cruise ship not far from you. Since the lapras was getting tired soon, you thought it be best to go on this ship.

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