Chapter 1: Remembering

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"Cough! Cough!"

With a parched throat, a young boy walked around the streets. Coughing into his arm, it seemed as though he was sick, but it was because of his dehydration.

He looked to be about 3 or 4, but he was actually 5, going on 6, that year. It was due to his malnutrition over the years that resulted in his small body for his age.

Despite being so skinny, his face wasn't sunken in, and his messy black hair covered his bright yellow eyes. He resembled a cat. Wearing tatters for clothes, he looked around the area.


However, he was suddenly pushed from behind as he fell to the ground, his skin scratching during the impact. His voice was small and cracked due to his dry throat, though it still sounded adorable.

Looking up, his heart started to beat rapidly, though he didn't know why.

"Ah! What did I bump into—"

A cute and pretty-sounding voice spoke softly, which drew his attention.

What bumped into him was a little girl with black hair and red eyes. Despite looking only 6-years-old, she had a beautiful face. Although most children would look cute, she clearly had the face of a beauty.

The little boy looked at her through his dark, overgrown bangs. Something resonated in him. Though they weren't feelings of affection, nor hatred.

Contrary, the beautiful little girl's surprised face soon shifted to a look of annoyance.

"Ugh. It was just some random kid. Tch. My dress got dirty. Hah... I can't wait till I can meet Vincent! I won't have to even worry about a single measly dress being ruined..."

She muttered the last sentence under her breath as she sighed with irritation. Looking back at the little boy who was on the ground, she looked at him.

"Oi. Don't just stand in the street. Got it? My dress is ruined because of your idling."

The boy was confused, but he grew up realizing that there was no point in defending himself, so he just nodded along, not wanting to get hurt.

As the girl left, the little boy noticed something falling out of her pocket.

It was a black and red handkerchief.

On the corner of it, it held the initials, 'K.R.' in red embroidery.

Thinking of the two letters, there was a strange pounding sensation that hit the little boy.

What was this?

Before he knew it, sudden information poured into his head! He didn't understand it at all! There were so many things he could never even dream of! Rectangular glass buildings that towered over the sky, flying metal birds, and many other inventions even magic wouldn't be able to produce!

"Ngh... w... what... is this?"

He muttered to himself, as more and more information piled up in his brain. A certain voice rang out in his head.

Necessary information allocated. Memory comprehension beginning.》

It was a strange robotic voice.

'Robotic? Why do I know what that word means?'

However, before he could even answer his own questions in his head, a sudden surge of energy revitalized throughout his body. It was as if there were multiple electric sparks in his head, rapidly setting off. All the information he was given suddenly started to sort themselves.

The process was strange, and he had already keeled over on the ground. The passerby's whispered to themselves about what he was doing in the middle of the street. However, no one tried to help him, as they all avoided the little boy.

Once the sparks finally stopped, and it seemed as though everything was sorted, the little boy panted heavily. With his hands on the ground, he looked shocked as tears fell onto the ground. He was under immense stress, and he still had to comprehend all the new information given to him.

"... I... I reincarnated?"

He muttered only this one line between his breaths.

He was correct, however.

Born again as an orphan, without even a last name, living on the streets, he had remembered his past life. Before he became the orphan known as Aster.

'But... isn't this the world, in the one book, my past life self read?'

There were many major discoveries that day. However, only one thing stuck in his brain, as he looked worried.

"Won't there be a great war in the future??"

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