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Monday evening me and the girls were all at home so we decided to have a night in together, Ella and Charlotte were sorting dinner for us and I opened a bottle of wine for us. We were all sat outside around our table and chatting away

"so Lauren how's you and jake?" She smiled and blushed slightly

"Yeah really good, were like official now" we all awwed at her, she seemed really happy, I looked around the table and actually we all looked extremely happy and content which doesn't happen often, I mean I'm sorting things out with Jesse and Lauren and jake are happy, Charlotte and Matt dee are all lovey dovey, Mossy was taking Katie for a date after meeting at the bbq and Ella has been talking to mouse after she and Charlotte bumped into Matt see and mouse on a night out a few weeks ago!

"So what's the plan with you and Jesse?" Ella asked me while I took a sip of wine.

"Well we had the date which I told you about yesterday and he said he wants to meet me again tomorrow so I suppose we will see where we go from there really"

"What about him and Amy?" Katie asked

"He said there definitely over, he caught her cheating or something and he realised what he was doing blah blah blah" I sparked up my fag and took another sip of wine when my phone went off, it was Aimee "hey doll, I heard through to grape vine that you and Jesse are back on, so happy for you! Need to meet this week for a catch up xxx"

I quickly replied "hey babe, yeah we are just seeing how it goes but yeah I'm pretty happy about it, hopefully this time he doesn't mess me around. For sure, what day is good? We could always go to the beach Saturday after work? I can always top up my tan haha xxx"

After a few bottles of wine and lots of laughter me and the girls headed to bed a little worse for wear, I hadn't checked my phone in a few hours and I had a text from Aimee, dean and Jesse which made me smile Aimee had said "if he does he's an idiot and id kill him haha! Everyone is rooting for you both. Sounds like a plan, I know what you mean got to keep to tan up! Well let me know how the date goes tomorrow and il meet you outside work on Saturday xxx"

My reply was "haha he will have quite. Cue then!! How did you know about the date I didn't say anything lol. Ok great see you Saturday xxx" she quickly replied "I have my sources ;) xxx"

Dean text and told me about his date and how well it went, it sounds like he really likes her! I read jesses which was really sweet he said "hey babe, hope your alright? Sorry I couldn't see you today but il pick you up at 7:30 from yours for our date xxx" I wonder where were going?

I quickly replied before bed "hey babe, yeah I'm good, just had a night with the girls which included some wine haha, where are we going? I don't know what to wear! You ok?xxx"
I didn't wait for a reply as I literally couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up with banging headache and still in my clothes from the night before, black all under my eyes from my make up and I had half an hour till work, this day was starting awful! I quickly jumped in the shower and towel dried my hair afterwards then put basic make up on and threw an outfit of skinny jeans, and a strappy crop top with a oversized cardi and my white converse, looks like it's a casual day work!

I left my house and headed to work and picked up some coffees for frog and Tom and a fruit Iced cooler for me, hopefully it helps withy hangover. Once I get to work we all head out the front for a fag and the first thing frog says is "wow you look like shit!"

I had to laugh at how upfront he was "yeah nicely put" Tom agreed laughing along

"Yeah well me and the girls had a few bottles of wine last night so I'd appreciate it if you didn't shout"

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