Start from the beginning

Kendall left her alone for some space with Jackson as he was pacing in the apartment "I am her boyfriend right? Just cause he's here visiting his favorite girl doesn't mean I can't ask her out." He told them as Katie was spying on them through the window and saw Jackson "woah baby!" Katie yelled as she saw Jackson shirtless as all the guys turned to her "that's the best looking guy at the Palm Woods ever." She told them as James scowled "what?" He told them quickly getting up walking towards the window as he looked through the binoculars as Kendall came up to.

"He's shirtless!" Kendall yelled as he watched the two chat "she's probably gonna say goodbye and send him on his way." Kendall calmed down as he saw her laugh putting her hand on Jackson's shoulder as he freaked out again "or the opposite."

"Okay, new plan. We tell Gustavo you're vomiting and can't come in to record today." Logan told him as both him and Carlos stood up "yes. And you can stay here and beat super hot and hunky guy." Carlos told him as James turned around "he's not that hot, okay." He told them as there door opened "James. Have you seen the new guy? He's gorgeous! We gotta get rid of him." Jett told them as James and Kendall agreed.

James and Kendall were hiding behind the bushes as they watch the two talk from afar "I can't make out what they're saying." Kendall whispered to him "don't worry. I can read lips. Fries, fruit, fruit, fruit, I like to look around and where my shirt off even though you have a boyfriend and I'm unattractive. Now I'm getting up and going somewhere that's not here. Nows your chance. Ask her out so that no shirt boy can go bye bye." James told him.

And as Chloe was waiting for Jackson to come back she laid in the sun as Kendall landed on the chair near her scaring her "ah!" She screams as she saw him "Chloe. Hey what's..what's going on?" Kendall asked as Chloe leaned forward "you mean with me and Jackson?" She asked him as Kendall looked at her "pfft, what no, why on earth, yes!" He yelled as Chloe looked at him.

"Your acting really weird? Don't you trust me?" She asked furrowing her brows while what she didn't see was James holding up cue cards behind her head "no, no." Kendall tried to tell James as Chloe looked at him confused "So, you don't trust me?" She asked raising her eyebrows as Jett then came in with his own cue cards "no!" Kendall yelled as Chloes eyes went wide.

"And now your acting weird again, is it me cause the only date we've been on since tour is the one with my gran?" She asked panicking "no, no, no, it's not you, and I do trust you well except for when I thought you had a thing for James." Kendall mentioned as Chloe threw her hands in the air "your still on that I told you, I like you, your my boyfriend." She told him as James then hid behind the bushes knowing this was getting bad.

"Yeah, well, we haven't exactly had time to hang out but when hot shirtless Jackson shows up your all free!" Kendall told her as she furrowed her brows and her jaw dropped "oh, so it's my fault that you haven't asked me on a date! Your the one who thinks I have a mega crush on every guy I hang out with!" Chloe yelled as she then saw Jackson arriving "Jackson." Her voice calmed down as the boy arrived.

"You know, I should probably go." Kendall tried to leave as Chloe laughed "no stay, Chloes told me a lot about you and your band." Jackson told him as his eyes went wide "but, I did get you something." Jackson told her as he opened up the box he had revealing a gold bracelet "no you did not!" Chloe squealed as James and Jett all looked up from behind the bushes secretly taking notes "yeah, I did, now give me your wrist." Jackson told her as he put it around her, Kendall got all jealous again.

And soon it was just him and James and Jett in the lobby "why would you bring up to Chloe about your jealousy over me again!" James yelled at him while Kendall's arms were crossed "I get it, I'm second hottest guy at the Palm Woods besides Jackson who right now is first but that doesn't mean you throw the two hot people she's friends with under the bus!" James told him as Jett jumped in "you mean third. I'm better looking than you." He told James as he laughed "yeah, well, the hottest girl at the Palm Woods seems to think differently!" James told him as Kendall looked at both of them.

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