House Of Cards(RapSoul Part 1)

Start from the beginning

''I JUST CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!'' Soojung angrily shouted at him.

''WHY?!'' Sunggyu asked again. ''I was your fiance and boyfriend before all this! We used to love each other so much now what's wrong with you?! Soojung, why can't you accept me after I came back for you?!''

It's a complete darkness

''B-Because I'm already married!'' Soojung answered.

''W-What?!'' Sunggyu was shocked. ''W-With who? WITH WHO?!''

Soojung stayed silent as Sunggyu shook her body with his two hands on her shoulders, dying to know who had dared take his Soojung away from him and make her his.

''I SAID WITH WHO, SOOJUNG?!'' Sunggyu angrily repeated his question again.

''With a man named Kim Namjoon, I work with my husband.'' Soojung could see Sunggyu looked devastated. ''I have already turned from Soojung Lee to Soojung Namjoon Kim!''

Sunggyu just stood there as he still had eyes yearning for Soojung whilst his heart felt like ​​​​​​​someone just stabbed him with a knife on his heart. How could she do this to her? They had so much history and he does this to her when he was away from her life? His eyes were in pain because of the crying yet that was nothing compared to the pain his heart was going through because of the betrayal.

''I have just came back only for you, Soojung and ever since I have been here, I've been looking for you like crazy to get your forgiveness! Every thing from sleeping, getting up, standing, sitting down, there has only been one thing on my mind and that is how to pacify you and get you back!'' Sunggyu continued to cry. ''Yet you got married with someone else?! How could you do something that I have never ever thought of doing to you?!''

''I had no other option! I am already married, Sunggyu and that is the truth! Just accept it now.'' Soojung demanded.

''How can I accept this?! How can I accept Sunggyu to be away from Soojung?! HOW?!'' Sunggyu questioned her.

''YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LEFT ME!'' Soojung angrily shouted at him. ''I never did that to you!''

''THEN WHAT ELSE COULD I HAVE DONE, SOOJUNG?!'' Sunggyu angrily shouted back. ''Was it my fault that I had a car accident? Was it my fault that my brain was injured? WAS IT MY FAULT THAT MY MEMORY WAS LOST?!? WAS IT MY FAULT THAT I AM FINE AND WELL NOW RATHER THAN BEFORE?! Was it my fault that I took a bit too long to reach you? Maybe my biggest fault was that I am back here now! Isn't it Soojung? This is my fault right but...our love..our love was so real! You could have waited just a few more days, just a few more days Soojung! My past, my present is all you Soojung! I don't know how to live without you---''

''I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT EITHER, SUNGGYU!'' Soojung remembered how suicidal she was after he left her alone. '' I WANTED TO KILL MYSELF! You think that I didn't have any faith on our love?! But what if I ask you the same question then? Didn't you have any faith on your Soojung? I was looking everywhere for you like a crazy person. I couldn't find you no matter what! If I found you before then I would have never left you alone, not even for a second! You were my life yet you left me did this to me!''

''IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SOOJUNG AND I CAME BACK HERE FOR YOU AS WELL!'' Sunggyu exclaimed yet he watched Soojung quickly walk away from him as more and more tears came out of her eyes. ''She..she got married to someone else?! Why Soojung? Why did you do this to me?! To...''

Enduring more, holding out

Sunggyu immediately stopped talking when he saw someone was standing near him, watching him cry. He looked up to see the man himself, Namjoon looking at him as if he was sorry for him. Sunggyu slowly yet angrily stood up as he saw his rival or more like that one person, who took the most important thing away from him, looking at him. He was furious with the title Namjoon had gotten, which was supposed to be his! ''Soojung's husband'' was supposed to be his title but Namjoon had snatched it away from him. Sunggyu angrily looked at Namjoon as he remembered how Namjoon promised to reunite Sunggyu back to Soojung yet now it felt like Namjoon was doing nothing but just playing around with his emotions and giving him false hope as if he wanted to tease him for the one thing Sunggyu didn't have.

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