Chapter 4

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"These are the things you faced in the practical exam?" Jack settled to the ground next to Yuga, a hint of fear in his voice. The sheer size of the behemoths was mind-numbing. It was like being menaced by skyscrapers – kaiju come to the real world.

"The small ones, yes," Yuga replied, his voice quaking as well. "We were supposed to run from the big ones."

They watched in awe as Endeavor's son covered one of the massive machines in ice, causing it to collapse under the weight. The smaller numbered robots took advantage of the students' distraction and started attacking them. Two scorpion looking automatons stabbed at the brothers with their massive stingers.

The teens reacted simultaneously, like they had been training together. Blue lasers shot from Jack's eyes swept to slice both tails off before they could reach the boys. Yuga was more direct, leaping to the side and sending a naval laser shot that pierced both robots, shredding their armor and reducing them to so much scrap.

"Every man for himself, Jacque." Yuga waived jauntily as he launched himself towards one of the mid-sized robots marked with a #3. "Have fun!"

"Right," the golden teen muttered. He saw a boy using explosive jets from his hands launch himself to the top of one of the behemoths, easily dodging its ponderous attack. He and two other students quickly maneuvered over and past the seemingly impassible obstacles.

That looked like the safest way to go, just fly over them. But Yuga had just told him to have fun. Jack decided to take Hinata's advice and 'Show his stuff'. He launched himself toward the middle behemoth, aiming for its chest. The first thing Jack had been taught about his quirk, when he was only a baby, was to convert only select matter to energy and absorb the power created so it would not create an uncontrolled explosion. In the Moon Lab, he was forced to master converting the primordial energy to select types – electricity for the most part. After years of this practice, he had very fine control of converted energy. He planned to use that to destroy this mechanical monster.

He assumed the traditional flyer's posture, fists thrust forward together. He blasted red force beams from his eyes to shatter the giant robot's exterior armor, opening a hole. His fists opened so he was holding his two hands together, wrists touching and palms flat facing his target. Moving more of his energy body into his hands, he caused them to expand to the maximum size the increased ductility of his suit would allow. Suddenly it was like he was pushing a coffee table in front of him.

His hands were surrounded with a coruscating nimbus. Their first contact with the inner material of the robot caused a flash and the matter disappeared. Jack struggled for a moment to absorb the influx of energy. He was used to converting smaller chunks of matter. The Moon Men had usually feed him small bricks of compressed lunar regolith – not more than a few hundred grams at a time. His enlarged hands were scooping out dozens of kilos at a time for conversion. He absorbed most of the energy within himself, shedding the excess as light which caused the entire massive robot to glow with an incandescence that blinded most of the competitors and could easily be seen by half of Musutafu City.

As his hands breached the back armor of the robot, Jack released a fraction of the absorbed energy as kinetic force. He did not want to blow up the machine, as the debris would be a hazard to the other students and possibly the audience in the stadium. Instead, he reversed the vector of the force from outward to inward, causing the robot to implode. He sped forward, utilizing a tiny part of the kinetic force as propulsion. His containment suit prevented him from using more on himself.

His increased momentum took him over the second obstacle – The Falls – with ease. The minefield was no more danger to him. They really didn't take the flyers into account, Jack thought.

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