Chapter 2

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"How was your first day of school?" Oba asked.

The whole family was present. Haruto traveled back from Shiketsu, UA's rival high school, his provisional license allowing him to use his Light Flight quirk to make the trip in far less time than even the bullet train would have allowed. He would have to return in the morning for class. Hinata was starting her second year at Musahi Academy, the most prestigious middle school in Tokyo. Jack had not been allowed to attend Musashi as Kahgayaku-san had argued he was too dangerous until he managed to fully control his quirk. Jack and Yuga were at the foot of the table, furthest from the patriarch.

"Pretty much the same as before," the elder son answered. "I'm really looking froward to graduating. This year's work studies and competitions should be fun, but I'm ready to get out there as a real hero."

"Don't denigrate the final year experiences," his father scolded. "They're all important to positioning yourself for success following graduation. I want you to make good contacts and build a solid reputation so you'll be better placed to start the Radiant Agency in a few years. With the sort of cutting edge support we can give you and your sidekicks, you'll rocket up the ratings."

"I just want to get out there and do some good," the older boy said nervously. "I'm not sure I'll be ready to run my own agency anytime soon."

Jack always had trouble remembering the hesitant teen was his grandfather. The elder Kagayaku's had never allowed him to share his future history with the other kids in the household. They all thought he was a distant cousin from America.

"Haruto, you know how long we've been waiting to have a real hero in the family to lead our company and our name into the future." The old man's voice was an odd mixture of coldly demanding and fondly cajoling. Jack had never seen the old man blow up at his recognized children, especially his elder son. He saved his cutting contempt for his unwanted descendants.

"Come Haruki, there is time to discuss this later, once Haruto is graduated and established. There's no hurry." As always Oba's tone was sweet. She never raised her voice in public. But as far as Jack knew, the old man never directly disobeyed her. "Any chance at getting top honors this year?" she asked her son.

"Not really. Tanuki still has a lock on it unless something happens to him this year. I should still be in the top five though." The boy smiled proudly.

"That's great," Oba patted his hand fondly. "How about ..." she turned to the foot of the table.

"Hinata," Kagayaku-san interrupted smoothly. "Anything new or different at Musahi?"

"I think I'm going to miss Abe-sensei," the ten-year-old prodigy complained. "She, at least, knew the difference between a nucleus and a nucleotide. My new homeroom teacher, Ueda-sensei, teaches art. Ugh!"

"You will have Abe-sensei for biology, won't you?" Oba asked.

"Yes, but it's not the same thing." Hinata said.

"Let us know if there is anything we need to get involved with," her father offered.

"Jack, Yuga, tell us about UA," Oba commanded with a smile.

Before either boy could answer the old man pushed his chair back from the table and tossed his napkin onto his plate. "You'll have to excuse me," he said briskly. "I have some business to attend to." He left without looking back. Everyone watched him leave him with sad or frustrated expressions.

"Yuga? How was your introduction to the Hero course?" Oba prompted as if there had been no emotionally damaging interruption. Jack listened as Yuga offered an overly dramatized tale of the quirk tests. By the end it was obvious that only Yuga's quick wit, sparkling personality, and awesome naval laser had prevented the archvillain Aizawa from destroying the futures of the whole class.

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