Chapter 1

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I glance over at the clock, that constant ticking noise is etched into my head like a song. "1:35 A.M." i whisper, careful not to wake up Kristen, my room mate. I flick the flashlight off and decide to put the book down for tonight. Before dozing off to sleep, thoughts run rampage in my head. I force myself to sleep, and place my head on the cold, pillow before falling into a deep sleep.

"Amber, Amber wake up" I'm abruptly shaken awake by a tall figure, Kristen. She's wearing a slim pencil skirt, with a white blouse, covered by her long dark hair. "What time is it" I whisper as I rub my eyes. Watching me, she claps her hands and commands "It's 7:00 pm, you better not have forgotten your interview today." Oh, shoot. "Of course not." I murmur. Stumbling up, I walk over to the mirror to see my brown messy hair. I brush my bangs out of my eyes, while working my hair into a low bun. After that, Kristen helps me pick out a black skirt, a white blouse and a dark blue cardigan. Staring at myself in the mirror, Kristen walks up beside me. She's so tall, probably about a good 6 inches taller than me, even while i'm wearing heels. I fumble with my hair, that has fallen out of place.
"You look stunning Amber, I bet you'll do great" She whispers while helping me with my hair
"I hope so, i've been practicing all week for this interview." I reply,
She smiles, helping me fix my overly messy bun. Damn my hair, it just wont behave. I need to stop going to sleep while it's wet.
"There you go, a polished a sophisticated bun that doesn't look like you were mauled by a bear" Kristen laughs while sticking in the last bobby pin.
"Thank you, it's 7:20 I should probably be going" I murmur while picking up my phone.
She smiles and replies "You'll do wonders, and I won't be here when you get back. I have a work shift from 8:00-4:30."
"See you then, Kristen"

I rush outside to the parking lot, to find the a charcoal grey Nissan. It's kind of beaten up and has bad mileage, but it's what i can afford at the moment.
The roads are clear, making my way on the SR A1A to Miami. My destination in Florida is the Allen global enterprises. It's a huge glass building made of curved steel and windows. It's a quarter to 12 when i arrive, greatly relieved that i'm not late as i walk through the glass doors into an enormous lobby. Behind the steel desk, a very attractive, brunette, groomed young women. She's dressed to perfection, wearing heels, a pencil skirt and a large welcoming smile. Her appearance is immaculate.
"I'm here to apply for an internship. I have an interview at 12"
She rummages through paperwork and files "Oh, right here you are, Mr Allen will see you in roughly 10 minutes, you can have a seat in the lobby" She points to the cushiony white chairs.
Mr. Allen? no the CEO of the company wants to interview me. i'm just here to apply for an internship. I'm sure there are managers, right?
"Excuse me, but its not Mr. Allen who interviews me right? I'm sure there are managers and stuff."
"No, ma'am, Mr Allen likes to interview his employees himself. It's what he prefers." She speaks in a low, breathy tone.
I nod my head and make my way over to the sitting area.

"Amber, Amber Cambridge?" I hear a loud affirmative voice calling me. "Yes?" I reply. "Mr. Allen will see you now."
I quickly pick up my stuff while tucking a lose end into my bun. A tall slender women standing next to Mr. Allen's office door greets me. She nods her head and opens the wide steel doors. Behind the doors is a man, about 6ft tall, unruly copper hair, with a strong jawline. I freeze, succumbed by his glazing stare.
"Come have a seat. Ms. Cambridge." His voice is deep and raspy
I sit in front of his big wooden desk, behind him is one big giant window, showing the gorgeous scenery of Miami.
"Tell me about yourself" he swallows, staring deep into my eyes.
I'm suddenly at a loss for words, but i manage to put together a sentence.
"I'm 23 years old, senior in college, I major in Business..." His intimidating glare tell me to go on.
"My roommate's name is Kristen, I graduated from Tampa city Highschool-"
"That's enough Ms Cambridge, why do you think we should give you this internship?"
"I'm a hard worker, and i admire your work Mr. Allen."
He chuckles
"Flattery will get you no where, tell me about your goals outside of college" I think for a minute before saying "I wanted to be an entrepreneur, Until i realized how much i loved traveling. I love going places and seeing new things" The words anxiously came out of my mouth. He sits down, writing who knows what on a piece of paper. I fumble with the edge of my skirt and say "What is the secret of your world-wide success?" His eyes open wide, replying with "Hard work, control in all things, and being a little charming doesn't hurt." he laughs boyishly while standing up gazing out the window. "So you love traveling, and adventuring Ms. Cambridge?" He taps his fingers on the desk "Yes, sir" I murmur. He gazes at me awefully.
"Here give me your number Ms. Cambridge, i like to get a hold of my workers independently"
Does this mean i have the internship? My mind flips. My number? He wants my number? The biggest ceo in the world wants MY number. Doesn't he have agents and people for getting a hold of me? He hands me a piece of paper and i write my number boldly on it. "Where's the farthest you've ever travelled?" he asks inquisitively.
"Erm... probably here, in Miami" He looks at me shocked, like i had just told him a secret. "I'm sure that will soon change.." he glances hopefully.
"By the way Ms. Cambridge, we usually don't just tell people this straight-up, but i think you would be a lovely intern."
My eyes dart from his paper to his face. i sit there for a couple seconds, shocked, before i can finally speak. "Thank you, thank you so much Mr Allen" I stand up to shake his hand, but he is still writing stuff down. The white paper that he started with is now completely filled with words and notes.
"Although, you may seem excited, this internship has crazy requirements. Some of which you might not be open too" I swallow, trying to figure out what he means.
"You'll soon see what I mean, just keep an open mind Ms. Cambridge." He answers my unspoken question.
"It was nice meeting you sir" i give him a toothy grin.
"And you, I" he shuffles, to hold the door open for me. "I'll email you the working hours." he grins while i walk out.

Outside, I take a deep breath, only to realize that my hands have been shaking the whole time. Cringing, i pull out my phone to call my mom.
"Hey sweetie, how'd the interview go?"
"It went great, i think i got the internship..."
"Oh, that's wonderful! your dad will be so proud."
"I know, im ecstatic."
"I'm so proud of you, Amber, you're growing up to be a such a nice young lady."
"Thank you, I have class in a little bit, see you soon. Love you."
"You too, drive safe."
Hanging up, i feel so overwhelmed. Mr. Allen has me in knots. Why did he offer me the internship so quickly? Why do i have to keep an open mind for it?

It's around 3:30 when i make it back to the apartment. I realize that I have class at 3:45, so i quickly pick up my books picking up the ones that say "Understanding Literature." I fix myself a cup of ice water and head out the door.
Sitting in class, taking notes i look up to see that Ethan is quickly copying my notes. He has scruffy blonde hair and eyes as blue as the ocean.
"Do you want to borrow my notes after class." i whisper over to him.
"That'd be great, I hope you don't mind." His blue eyes light up.
"Of course i dont mind, you're my best friend."
He smiles, taking my finished notes off my desk
The bell rings, i hand Ethan my finished notes and leaving class. Ethan's nice, my parents would like him. I just can't get over the encounter with Mr. Allen. He intimidates me. I wish i could just call him by his name. Driving back to the apartment I play Kristen's music on repeat
When i walk into the room, Kristen is lying on her bed, in her room studying.
"Hi" I murmur
"Hey, how did your interview go?" She scoots over, welcoming me to sit down beside her.
"It went well, i was nervous, but i think i got the internship" I cant help myself from smiling cheesily at her.
"That's awesome, we should go out to celebrate." Maybe a few drinks would help me stop worrying about Mr. Allen.
"That sounds like fun." My voice drifts off
"Are you okay, you seem on edge." Kristen worriedly scans my expression.
"Yeah, i just think i need a few drinks." we laugh it off.
At the restaurant, I order Pinot Noir Wine with a chicken breast. This is the first time i've eaten all day. Have i really been that nervous?
After about two glasses of wine later, we both head back to our apartment. I nuzzle myself into bed.
"RING, RING, RING" My cell phone goes off. What the hell... It's 2:15 am. Who would be calling me now. I check the name on the phone, and i find myself shocked.

Its Mr. Allen

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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