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Going to the forest of familiars was a fucking waste of time


Alter got a PTSD attack after seeing that undine, though, don't know what that was about.

Asia got a sprite dragon, so that's something I guess


I called out to him


Instead of saying anything Alter grunted in acknowledgement

"Help me out a bit"

Currently, I'm working on my main project, that being to create a working prototype of my first ASG. 

Stacking 'Limit Break' was surprisingly easy, completely getting rid of the strain is impossible, so I tried to instead redirect it, I had some degree of success with this, but it just isn't enough, the amount of strain I can redirect is practically abysmal

"Tough luck buddy, can't help you there"

What he said, I can't rely on Alter this time

"C'mon man, at least give me some pointers

Nonetheless, his experience isn't to be discarded easily

"In the first place, what you're trying to do is essentially extend the effects of 'Limit Break' to metal, do you see the issue here?

"... A non-living object can't break its limit...?"

"Correct, the essence of 'Limit Break' is to literally break through limits, it's not a simple enchantment, for lack of better comparison, it's more like a strong adrenaline rush, for lack of better comparison, I don't know about this world, but in mine, stones usually don't have an adrenaline rush"

I've already figured that out, that's where my progress came to a screeching halt, I tried to think of something different, but...

"The only alternative is to use something organic, but it would be too weak to be worth something..."

Alter summarized it quite nicely


He stopped


Alter adopted a thinking posture and stayed like that for a bit

"... There might be a way"

Then he announced such a thing

"! Really?! Are you being serious! Tell me!"

I can't help but be excited, if Alter says it might be possible, then it is possible

Alter looked me in the eyes with raised eyebrows

"Figure that out yourself"


There's a rather large change in his tone

"Creating this 'Boosted Gear' knock-of was your idea, so do it yourself"

Alter made a decent point, but he said something I just couldn't ignore

"It's not knock-of!"

"Sure buddy, whatever makes you sleep at night"

"Grr... Whatever!"

It frustrates me to no end, but there's no point in arguing about it any longer

"You really won't tell me, huh? Not even a hint?"

Alter looked me in the eyes, I can't get a good read on him at all

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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