Chapter 31

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Mike Oxmall.

That was Hobbs' name.

And while Katrina may have helped create his identity, she didn't know about Deckard setting it up so Hobbs would be detained as he went through security.

Deckard put his and Katrina's bags away as they found their seats, the three of them in the middle aisle, Deckard on the edge, then Hattie then Katrina and another woman next to her.

"Can't believe you did that," Hattie said as they sat, playing with her silver necklace.

"He was going to slow us down," Deckard defended.

"We'll never pull this off, you know that," Hattie muttered. "It's bad enough I've got this thing in my blood that's gonna kill me and everyone else, but are we seriously gonna break this mysterious machine out of some high-security death virus complex and magically get it to work? Because frankly, it sounds -"

"You still wear that silly thing?" Deckard interrupted before Katrina could, trying to get Hattie's mind off it all. "Didn't know you still had that," he smiled at her. "Put the pin back in. You haven't changed."

"Wish I could say the same about you."

"Hey, you're gonna be ok. We're gonna make this work. It's what we do," Deckard promised.

"And what if we don't? What if the only option is for -"

"It's not happening," Deckard and Katrina said in unison and Hattie turned to her sister-in-law.

"If Owen survived falling out of a plane, you can survive a measly little virus. You're gonna be just fine Hats," Katrina promised as she squeezed her hand.

Hattie then rested her head on Katrina's shoulder as Hobbs then walked onto the plane, cursing Deckard and saying hi to the girls to piss him off before taking a seat himself.

Katrina then turned to the two of them.

"If either one of us wakes up because you two imbeciles got into another pissing contest and got arrested by the air marshal, I will push you both off this plane," she warned before sitting back in her seat, Hattie's head still on her shoulder and her head resting on Hattie's as they tried to get some sleep.

This was going to be a long flight. 

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