Tubbo started to direct him to his house and George drove. The drive there was completely silent until they started heading closer and George asked, "What's your address." Tubbo hesitated but told him anyway and they continued their drive there. Tubbo sighed, looking at the big mansion that he lived at. He didn't like going in there and he knew that for sure. He turned to George.

"I don't want to go in there." Tubbo said. George scoffed but before he could speak up, Tubbo continued talking. "Niki- my mom- who adopted me- She's evil! She's the evil queen." Tubbo huffed and George just rolled his eyes. He parked the car and got out, Tubbo following after him, though he didn't really want to. George walked up to the door, ignoring Tubbo's antics as he rang the door bell.

A few moments later a woman with short blond hair opened the door and smiles, looking relieved to see her son. "There you are, Tubbo!" She said, her voice soft and calming. She gave a hug to Tubbo but he tensed up, not having it. She sighs, "Tubbo where have you been? Don't scare me like that." She says but Tubbo pushed passed her and ran upstairs. Niki straightened herself up and looked over at George. "And who are you?" She asked, a smug look appearing on her face.

"My name is George." George introduced. "Your son showed up on my doorstep and I decided to bring him back home." He says, voice sounding a bit nervous because Niki didn't seem to like George. After all, George did show up with her missing child. "I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I will be heading back home." He says. Niki's smug look turned into a smile, almost sarcastic like but George couldn't tell.

"Oh it's no problem at all!" She says. "I'm just glad he's home safe." Niki chuckles quietly. "But yeah, you should really be on your way now. Sorry Tubbo can be such a bother." Niki said before slamming her door in George's face, causing him to flinch slightly. He sighs, taking a deep breath and walks back to his car. He starts it and began driving.

After about an hour of driving, George notices out of the corner of his eye, a leather covered book. George scoffs, shaking his head. "That little bastard." George said, slightly smiling to himself as he turned his car around and headed back into the direction of Storybrooke.

Once he arrived, he parked his car outside of a hotel and entered, asking for a room. He got the key and headed upstairs, yawning. He was exhausted from all of the traveling that happened in one night and he needed his beauty sleep. He walked upstairs and entered the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him. He sets his keys and wallet on the table and looked out the window at the center of the town.

There stood a clock tower, looking as though it hadn't moved for years. The clock being the wrong time and everything threw George off slightly. Why didn't the clock work? He wondered to himself silently but shook that strange feeling away as he sat down on his bed, yawning tiredly. Then he drifted off to sleep with ease in the comfort of the bed.


In the distant the seven dwarfs could hear hooves of a horse galloping it's way as fast as it could over to where the prince lay, numb. They looked over and saw Prince Skeppy making his way over to the seven dwarfs that surrounded a glass container. Inside the glass was Prince Halo. His skin was pale and he looked lifeless.

One of the dwarfs, Doc, spoke up, holding his hat in hand as he looked at Skeppy with a sad expression. "I'm afraid, Prince Skeppy, that you're too late." He said softly. "Bad is gone." Skeppy shook his head firmly, not believing it for a second as he hopped off of his pure white steed.

He walked over to the glass container, starting to slowly lift the lid off of it, the dwarfs helping him and then setting it down on the dirt. Skeppy looked at Bad, placing a hand on his cheek and leaning down closer to Bad. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

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