"It tickles.." Athanasia giggled, moving her face away.

"You don't like it?" Lucas teased, continuing to kiss her face but her lips.

"Stop it, Lucas!" Athanasia laughed, pushing him away. Her face starts to blush red with his face very close to hers.

The two continued to laugh together and talked about some good stuffs before they could go to talk about Athanasia's past. As they talk, Lucas never let go of her trembling hand.

He knew that Athanasia is still scared of him knowing about her past. He wanted to stop her, but she's too stuborn to turn back.

He looked down to their intertwined hands and asked, "Are you really sure that you're gonna telle about your past?"

"I'm sure of it.." Athanasia nodded, putting another hand on his to reassure him. "I'm ready Lucas.."

Lucas let out a defeated sigh and shifted to get a comfortable pose to sit. "Okay.. I'm listening.."

Athanasia smiled as a small thanks for her boyfriend being understanding to her. She took a deep breath before telling him her past, her horrible past that she don't want to remember. She told him everything, starting from when she started school and how she got bullied because of her popularity, how she met her ex and how they started dating to when the abusing and the negative rumor starts.

Telling Lucas her past with a calm tone made her tear up again as she remembered her past. She held his hand tightly to calm herself down and to show him that she's okay telling him.

Lucas listened very carefully, nodding at every sentence that she told him. The more he listened to her past, the more he felt angry and sad for her.

"A-After getting the courage of breaking up with him and changing school, my life's been great so far until Aaron found me and tried to get back to me. He started to make some bad and false rumors about me and acted like a good guy to me, everyone started to bully me again just like what my old school did. They pranked me, call me disgusting names and... i-it was horrible.." Athanasia sniffled, taking a deep breath not to cry again. "The more they kept on hurting me the more I feel so weak around them. I usually fight for myself but I was tired... I was tired of saying the same thing over and over again.. I let them hurt me, bully me, humiliate me until Athy came."

Lucas looked down at their hands and gently caressed hers. "D-Did your dad know about this..?" His voice was trembling after hearing her past.

Athanasia shook her head. "No... dad's a busy man.. I can't bring myself to tell him or he might stress himself up."

"That's why you decided to live with Kiel.."

"Yeah.. Kiel-nii and I were not very close so he didn't know about who I normally was that's why I chose him. But we became close!" Athanasia smiled. "I never told everyone about my past because I was scared that they might judge me for being such a weak person and for being disgusting.."

"You're not weak or disgusting," Lucas said, reaching for her face to face him. "Athanasia, you are strong and you don't deserve to be treated like that."

Athanasia didn't answer and just stared at Lucas with teary eyes.

"How I wish that I went to the same school as you that time and be the person to protect you," Lucas continued, tears suddenly escaped from his eyes as he tried to imagine the pain that Athanasia felt. "How I wish to be there that time when you need someone to lean on."

"If we met in the past then we wouldn't have came to this," Athanasia chuckled. "We wouldn't be together."

"No," Lucas shook his head then leaned his forehead on hers. "I still would fall in love with you."

Athanasia felt her cheeks getting warm, she shyly looked down smiling. "Thank you, Lucas... for listening and understanding me."

"No need to thank me," Lucas smiled back. He shifted again and pulled Athanasia into a hug. "I'm supposed to be the one who is thanking you."

"Why?" Athanasia asked, looking up with her chin leaning on his chest.

Lucas look down and met her eyes, he leaned closer to give her a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Thank you for telling me and for trusting me about your past."

Athanasia softly smiled, she shyly avoided his gaze and then go back to face him again as if she wanted to so something but to shy to do so. She took a deep breath and took the courage to lean towards him and gave him a peck on the lips. She immediately hid herred face in his chest, snuggling closer for him not to see her shyness. "I love you.."

Lucas was taken aback at the sudden kiss and just sat in his place for seconds before going back to earth. He looked down and saw Athanasia looking so shy in his arms after what she did. He let out a chuckle and hugged her back tightly.

“ I love you too. ”
chap. 34

" ATTENTION " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now