31. bye bye~

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"Athy's coming back today?!" Helena shot up to her feet.

"Yeah, Lucas said that he will be driving her here," Joshua replied as he read the message from Lucas on his phone. "They might be here now."

"Would you look at that," Myles grinned, peeking from the window. "They're here. Let's all go and gree-"

Helena and Emma bolted up to their seats and ran out of the classroom, leaving their boyfriends behind.

"Ah! Helena, Emma!!" Joshua called. "Jeez, those two."

"Well, they haven't seen Athanasia for a week," Myles said with a shrug. "Stop whining and let's follow them."

"I'm not whinin- YAH! Myles wait for me!!"



Athanasia turned her head to a direction where she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She beamed and immediately got out of the car, letting go of her boyfriend's hand as she run over to her friends.

"Helena!! Emma-nee!!" Athanasia cried as she let herself get engulfed by her friend's bear hug.

"Our little Athy is back!!" Helena cried. "I missed you Athy!"

"Athy missed Helena too! Emma-nee too!" Athanasia smiled, hugging back tightly as if she don't want to let go.

"You had us worried!" Emma sniffled, rubbing her cheek on Athanasia's chubby ones. "You wouldn't want to meet us for a week and only let your jerk boyfriend in!!"

"I'm sorry to make you two worried," Athanasia replied with a laugh. "Athy's so sorry."

"As long as you're alright!"


"Uh, the boyfriend is right here you know," Lucas butted in with a huff.

"Shut up, we're having a moment here!" Emma yelled back, throwing him a rock that came out of nowhere. "I still don't get it why Athy let you in while we're not."

"She has her reasons you know," Lucas retorts with his arms crossed. "And I'm the only one who knows about it."


"About that," Athanasia slowly let go of the hug and look up to her friends. "Athy wanted to talk about something."

"What is it?" Helena asked.

"Tch, she's back," Said a voice behind them.

Lucas and Emma whipped their head to where the voice was. It was the girls who locked Athanasia a week ago.

"What are you glaring at?!" One of the girls yelled at Emma. "Doesn't mean you're Myles' girlfriend you can just glare at us like that! You're still trash to us, don't act so cocky bit- OW!! What the- oh.."

Myles bumped into the girl who yelled at Emma and just ignored her, continue making his way to Emma. "Ems, there you are! I've been looking for you."

"I want to see Athy, don't complain about it," Emma replied.

Myles was about to say something back but got cut off when Emma pulled him by the collar and kissed him suddenly, he felt her tongue slids in his mouth and kissed him lustfully. He immediately kissed back, and pulled her close of more.

"Eek!" Athanasia panicked but then calmed down when Lucas immediately covered her eyes.

"Hey guys- WOAH! WHAT THE!!" Joshua's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Emma and Myles kissing in front of the girls who bullied Athanasia. "DUDE WHY HERE OF ALL PLACES!"

"T-They kissed like that?!" Helena stuttered, pointing at the two kissing couple.

Emma let go of the kiss with a string of saliva commenting their lips. "What are you glaring at?" She repeated what the girl said with her brow raised. "Are you jealous?

"You bitch!" The girl yelled in anger.

"Oh and I have good news for you," Emma ignored her and pointed at Lucas. "Lucas wants to say something special to you."

The girl's face beamed in delight and turned to Lucas. "W-What is it?!"

"Bipolar bitch," Emma muttered loudly, loud enough for the girl to hear. "Why are you staring at me like that? Did I say you?"


"Girl stop calling me that, you're making me blush!" Emma sarcastically squealed.

The girl had enough of Emma and tried to get a hit on her but then she stopped when she heard a very cold and deep voice from behind.

"What's with this commotion?"

They all turned their heads and saw the headmaster of the school in front of them. Everyone froze in their place except Lucas and Athanasia.

"Father!" Athanasia cheered and ran towards the man to give him a hug. Everyone was surprised at what she did. "Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, dearie," The man smiled at her. He look back up to Lucas and pointed at the girls with his chin. "Is this them?"

"Yep, Myles gave you their photos yesterday," Lucas replied. "Peanut, come here."

"Okii~" Athanasia ran back to Lucas.

"Sorry, I don't remember faces that are very unimportant to me. They'll be gone anyways," Lucas' father replied with a chuckle.

Okay, he's really Lucas' dad, Athanasia thought to herself.

"Okay ladies," Lucas' dad turned to the girls. "Come to my office at lunch. I have a good news to tell you."

Everyone felt relieved as soom as the headmaster walked in the school. The girl who yelled at Emma went to Lucas' side and pulled his sleeves gently. "So.. Lucas. What do you want to tell me?"

"Who are you?" Lucas scowled. "Let's go, peanut. Your class is about to start."

"But I have to tell Emma and Helena," Athanasia pouted.

"You can tell them later," Lucas said with a smile, pinching her nose lightly. "There's still time."

"Okay!!" Athanasia smiled back and followed Lucas, leaving the girl with her bitch frie- I mean best friends.

Myles went to Emma's side and gently caressed her waist, making her gasp at the touch. Myles lowered down to his ear and whispered, "After kissing me like that, you're in great trouble, Ms. Grace."

Emma felt her cheeks turned red and fastened her pace. "Shut up. I won't be letting you."

"Says the girl who begged for me to have sex."


"Man really this two," Joshua sighed, following them. "Helena let's go."

"Y-Yeah.." Helena said. "How the hell they act like that so casually and in front of many people?"



As the student continued what they were doing, a certain person was staring at Athanasia from the distance.

A grin crept up on his face. "I'm coming, flower."

chap. 31

" ATTENTION " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ