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Ky is typing...

Ky: Hi?

P is typing...

P: Hey

Ky: Girl or boy?

P: Boy wbu

Oh my god, a guy!! I wonder what age he is.

Ky: Girl, how old are you? Just wanna make sure I'm not talking to a 30 yr old lol

P: I'm not 30 that's for sure, I'm 16

He's older than me! 

Ky: Cool, I'm 15. So, where you from?

P: New York City

Ky: That's cool! I'm from California.

P: That's cool too

Ky: So it's like 3 am for you right?

P: Can't sleep lol

Ky: Same, quick question

P: Sure what's up

Ky: What's better, pancakes or waffles?

P: Waffles, obviously.

Ky: In my opinion, I like pancakes better.

P: WHAT. You're crazy. Waffles have the best texture and, they're easier to make.

Ky: That's just Eggo waffles that are easy. Pancakes taste way better anyway.

P: Oh, don't get me started on the taste of waffles.


Hi, my name is Kyra. And the dude who's name is "P" is Peter. I met him when I was 15 and what you just read was our first conversation out of probably a thousand. 


"Ky, get off your phone, we're about to have dinner," I hear my mom say. "Ugh, okay," I reply

Kyra: Ugh sorry I have to go, we're going to have dinner. I'll talk to you later

Peter: It's cool, see ya.

This is so cool! I have a friend from New York!

"Who were you texting?" My sister, Lia asks. "My friend, she was asking about the homework. That's why I was looking for my textbook," I lie.

The real reason why I grabbed my textbook is so that Peter and I could see if he learned the same thing last year. I asked him for answers on my homework but he said no and that I had to find out myself. We exchanged our Snapchats after our first conversation so that we could keep talking. He's pretty funny, we've been talking for a week now.


Kyra: I can't believe summer break is one week! I'm going to be a junior like you and then you're going to be a senior, crazy

Peter: Ikr it's crazy. Then I'm going to college after that!

Kyra: Hey, Ik this is kind out sudden but we've been talking for a while now and I feel like we should show each other what we look like. Right? I mean like I don't want to be talking to a 30 yr old like I've said before. But, if you don't want to it's fine. You can send me your birth certificate instead. Jk

Peter's POV:

What if she doesn't like what she sees? Should I? I mean she did say that if I didn't want to I didn't. But she's, right we have been talking for a while so yeah, I'm gonna do it.

Peter: Sure, and it's fine. Here's your clarification that I'm not a 30 yr old.

Kyra: And here's mine.

Oh, wait she's pretty. Quick, what should I say? Uhh...

Peter: Hey you're really pretty!

Kyra's POV:


Kyra: Thank you! You too! Definitely not a 30 yr old lol.

You too? Stupid.

By the way, I told my best friend Maria about Peter today at school and she thinks he's cute too! Sometimes I wonder if he really meant that I was pretty. I bet if he met Maria he would think she's prettier, Maria has had like two boyfriends already! 


Kyra: I'm going swimming today! What're your summer plans?

Peter: Uhh nothing really, probably gonna play some games with my friends later.

Kyra: Cool, you should really come and check out the beaches here if you even get a chance in your life

Peter: If I ever get out of this place I will definitely check it out.

Kyra: Well, I've never been the New York so I'm putting that on my bucket list. Maybe we'll get to see each other one day!

Peter: Yeah! That'd be so cool

Kyra: Oh, I gtg my dad's calling me.

Peter: K see ya


Peter's POV: 

What if we do end up meeting each other?  My mom would freak out if she knew I was talking to someone.

"You better not be texting some stranger Peter, be careful about who you meet on the internet," My mom says. "I'm not, it's just Tyler," I reply lying. "Oh! How's his mom? Heard she was returning from that nice vacation," She asks. "Yeah, she's fine," I say. 

My parents don't believe you can meet someone through the internet, they're always like 'you have to know them in real life,' or whatever. They aren't really friendly around anyone they haven't met yet so that explains why they're so close with my friend's parents and basically everyone on our block. 

I've made other friends online but I've never kept a conversation with someone as long as Kyra. Most of them were guys and all we talked about were video games and we ended up just not talking anymore. The girls I've talked to were just always looking date and I never wanted to so I had to keep blocking them. 

"Who's Kyra?" I hear my mom say. Shit. "Uhm- who?" I asked pretending not to hear what she said. "It says, 'Kyraa is typing...'  and that she sent you a message," She replies. "Oh, uh that's uh-"

"You know what I said about meeting people online, it's not safe. You don't know if they're deceiving you," She says. "I know, but this is someone I know is real. I promise," I reply. "Who is it? Is it a girl? Because what if they're trying to kidnap you?" She paces around the room. 

"Yes, it's a girl. She's around my age and she's from California so she's nowhere near me. Plus, I'm not even sharing my location with her," I say. "So you're talking to someone all the way on the other side of the country? I expected better from you Peter, just wait till your father gets home,"

And when he did get home, I got yelled at for not knowing better. The message that Kyra sent was unfortunately a picture so my parents jumped to conclusions and thought that it was a nude. Luckily, it was just a picture of the beach she was at. They were still mad that I was talking to someone online and said that it was purely for the benefit of my safety that I stopped talking to her. They blocked and deleted her number.


Kyra's POV:

Kyra: Hey! Check out the beach!


Huh, he would usually say something. He's probably busy. 

"Hey, where is his name?" I ask myself while scrolling through my list of contacts. Did he block me? But why? 

I ended up thinking of possibilities of why he could've blocked me. It was between his parents finding out or he found me annoying and took the chance to block me when I could. But why couldn't he do that earlier?


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