In The Shower

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Two days went by since I saw him. The first day I deliberately avoided him at all cost. I didn't want to see him ever again, to be honest. I wished I didn't even have to be here. By the second day, I got to thinking about why he had such a strong reaction to having sex with me. If he thought of it as a game before, why was he so angry now? Shouldn't I be the one that's angry for allowing him to take advantage of me once again? I was sort of in a relationship too. The fact I was in a relationship made me realize he very well could be too. The thought made me sick to my stomach. Did I have sex with a married man? Did he have a girlfriend he just cheated on? It was the only explanation that made sense for his overreaction. How did I let him get to me once again? I hated him so much.

I found Tom leading a horse around the arena, snapping a whip at its behind while it circled around him. I watched him for a moment remembering how mesmerized I used to be watching the horses be trained. When he noticed me, he gave me a huge, welcoming grin. "It's still hard to get used to you being back, Charlotte. It's almost like seeing a ghost."

"I sure hope I'm not a ghost," I laughed.

"We're just glad to have you home."

I"m not sure I agree with you. I miss being where I was before. I don't know if I consider this home anymore."

"Well, at any rate, we all like seeing you back."

"I'm going into town. Is there anything you need while I'm there?" I asked, changing the subject

"Oh, I'm just fine. Thank you, though."

"Where's Sidney? Shouldn't he be helping you? I don't think I've seen him for a couple days," I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. I don't know what possessed me to bring him up and I was mad at myself for even doing so.

"He's helping with the hay. He and a few of the men have been out in the fields baling all day," he explained.

"I see." I watched as Tom turned in one spot over and over, leading the horse and teaching the horse to follow commands. He was so gentle and kind with the horses. They trusted him entirely. "I was beginning to think he had taken a few days off of work without telling anyone." I chastised myself for bringing him up again. What was wrong with me.

Tom laughed. "Sidney doesn't take days off. He's here more than anyone. I think in all the years we've been here he's only taken four or five days off. He doesn't see this place as work."

"I see." I nodded my head and slowly began to walk away.

"Oh, Charlotte," Tom called. I stopped and turned back around to face him. "Mary and the children want to come by tomorrow afternoon to see you. Will that be alright?"

"Of course. I look forward to it." I truly did look forward to seeing them. I hadn't seen them in years and Mary was always like a mother figure to me. I hopped in my car and headed down the road. I turned the music up in my car as loud as possible and sped down the country road trying to forget everything going on inside my head.

I pulled up in front of a store and went inside to grab a few things. My father's house was practically bare of food and there was no alcohol anywhere. My father wasn't much of a drinker other than a couple beers from time to time, but there wasn't even that in the house. I wasn't much of a cook, but I knew enough to get by with. As I walked through the bakery, I noticed the large display of donuts. I remembered my father picking up a couple dozen donuts at times to bring back for the employees as a kind gesture. He always said little kindnesses boosts moral. Following in his footsteps, I grabbed a couple boxes and filled them with a variety of donuts. I also grabbed plenty of bottles of wine for myself.

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