CHAPTER 1: How to beat a double-middle finger?

Start from the beginning

The driver pointed at me, saying I'm the last one. Well, the shuttles in our university are pretty tight, and small, so there are only limited seats in every ride.

"That was close, I don't want to be separated from my loves." I dramatically hugged them, and in return they just gave me a weird look.

"Whatever Vic! Save the dramas for later." Daisy said with a chuckle, while hopping onto the shuttle. Jel followed her and I'm the last one to enter.

I flung my tripod to my side and hugged my black Jansport to my front. This is my way to cover up my bra if it ever plans to show up from my gray nike shirt, as I duck myself while entering this low-roofed vehicle. I glided towards the center of this mini bus, with little space to walk on, doing my best not to step on anyone's foot or hit my head on its steal roof.

I slipped my way through the little space and onto the seat that the two reserved for me. When I heard someone, making me stop on my track.

"Fuck! Careful dweeb!" a heavenly voice with a douche language said from behind. I guess I hit him with my tripod.

I paused, blood rushed to my face. I don't know if I'll be mad or hit him harder. "Sorry" I said, in a not so apologetic tone.

I continued walking and when I sat down, I saw a guy with think-rimmed glasses giving me a death stare. I stared back and without much thought I gave him the finger, the holy middle finger.

His eyes widened, and a few seconds later, he gave me two holy middle fingers. TWO. FINGERS. How am I going to beat that? Wish I had three hands to out beat this sucker, but I don't. So I stuck my tongue out in defeat. Though I did thought of using my two feet and flash him two more plump middle toes, but it's hard. So I'll practice when I get home.

He smirked and I rolled my eyes. We had a death match not minding the other students in the shuttle, which in turn made me embarrassed when I realized it. I don't blush by the way, my skin is too brown for that, halleluiah. Though my ears are surprisingly hot, probably boiling from the tension.

I turned to the two, who was sitting in front of me, again. They had their hands on their mouths, holding back the laughter.

I started singing in a hushed tone. "Let it goooo, let it goooo. Can't hold it back anymooooore~" I sang one of Frozen's most epic songs that definitely matched today's scene. Lolol.

Daisy was the first one to give in, she opened her backpack and stuck her head in it, laughing inside.

I kicked her foot. "Stupid you'll get suffocated!" Her shoulders slowly stopped shaking from laughter and her red face came into view, still with a goofy smile pasted on it.

"Hoooooooo!" Was the only word she said, she looked like she just had sex... in her bag... on her own. And that thought turned out weird.

"Daisy I don't want you to die from laughter, especially in front of me." I said in a hushed tone.

"She'll die happily." Jel said in between laughs, her face also red.

The shuttle stopped in front of CAFA building our beloved department. The home for artists, designers and budding architects in this university.

There were only a few left in the shuttle and when I turned, I saw the nerd earlier getting out and heading to the main doors of the said department.

"Shit! He goes here?!" I turned to the two with wide eyes. They just laughed and started going down, as well, but I stayed seated. My butt froze and practically glued itself on the chair of this shuttle.

"Go ahead. I'll text you later." Both of them gave me a confused look, but then they simply shrugged and walked straight inside. I guess they understood me.

"Can you drop me near the cafeteria, sir?" I asked, and the driver nodded.

The cafeteria was at the end of the building, I was thinking of walking a different path. So that the nerd won't think that we're on the same department.

I hopped out of the shuttle and thanked the driver for being nice. I was about to head straight the cafeteria when I saw a familiar chubby figure. It was Allanah walking out from the parking lot.

I waved my hands while shouting her name. "Allanah! Pandalana!" When she saw me, she immediately smiled and waved back.

"Hey, Vic! It's rare to see you here." She said with the same confused look that the other two gave me.

"Ah yeah. I'm starving. Gonna grab something to eat before class." I said looking away. I'm good at lying, but my friends knows me too well, so they know when I'm hiding something.

"Hmmmm." Allanah gave me a pointed look and nodded. "Okaaaay. I'm kinda hungry too."

We we're heading towards our classroom when I heard a whistle that came out from the second floor. I looked up and saw the most annoying face in the history of human race, the nerd from before.

He smirked and gave me two middle fingers... AGAIN!

Thank you for reading the first chapter. Hope you enjoy the rest. All 69 of them haha.

The Nerd that turned out to be Vampire-ish [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now