You look at cat to say goodbye but she already back in her seat with a pad and pen in hand, glasses on the bridge of her nose as she buried herself into what you  assume is work. You sigh following Alex out to the elevator.

"What the hell, so this means a new one." You pressed the button to the bottom floor already ripping of your shirt to reveal your family crest. The buttons popping of at your force as you hurry to change before the lift came to a stop.

"And it's not very well made by the look at it." Alex explained looking down at her iPad and zooming into the compound of kryptonite that was definitely home made but its surface structure and radiation leak into the city wasn't looking like anything you had ever encountered before.

"Where's Kal-El?" You asked forgetting that she was planning to hang out with your cousin who wanted to stay around longer after your birthday although he wouldn't dare step foot into your apartment so he stayed a couple streets down in a hotel.

"He went home." Alex explained turning of the tablet and dropping it down to her side with her hands.

"You're fucking kidding? I knew he would just leave again" you snapped, your focus on the numbers descending on the lift aiming closer to the bottom floor.

"I said the same thing. Trust me." Alex explained watching your side profile with a sad smile.

You wanted to be angry at him but your worry for your sister was out weighing your rage and you frown. "I just hope she's okay."

Alex looks at you surprised as you bury that hatred and look softly at the slow opening doors That you nearly dent as you storm out of the metal box towards the front door. "Are you okay, what did Cat want? It looked tense." Alex asked, the doors sliding open as you both step into the chilly city air.

You spin around to Alex stopping you both suddenly, your eyes involuntarily trail back up to cats office where cat starts to collect some of her belongings. "She's leaving"

"Really." Alex gasped surprise that Cat would ever want to leave her empire behind but what was really happening it that Alex had saw the way you look at the older woman.

You shook your head you couldn't be talking about this you needed to help Kara. "Focus Alex."

But Alex doesn't buy it and looks at you with some unrecognised expression one that you weren't so sure of. Was it sadness? Pity? "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what, Alex? She's leaving that's it." You mumbled. Yes you weren't happy that she was leaving and a large part of you knew that she wouldn't come back but you didn't want to talk about something you couldn't change. Ms Grant had made her choice and their was nothing you could ever do to stop her from going.

"City hall" Alex states after a moment knowing she wouldn't receive any emotional ramble from you one she had been so used to from Kara.

"Thanks." You muttered before shooting off into the sky and aiming directly over to city hall and wasting no time. You see Kara cornered by what seems to be a human? But the glowing weird rock in her hand could clearly be a serious match for Kara.

"Oi you!" You yelled turning her attention to you as you crash down into the concrete and facing her, your cape sweeping back over your shoulders.

The woman wasn't all that old, maybe 30. Her Auburn hair was cascading down her shoulders. A large scar across her face, tugging at the sinister grin she was holding.

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now