Goodbye to the Past - Chapter 40

Start from the beginning

Shuichi chuckled as he fixed his messy hair. "I mean, you were always a father to me, uncle. You were the one to give me a childhood and a fun one at that. You always took care of me and made my happiness a priority. You took the spot my father could never have." he gave a smile as his uncle looked in shock. His uncle clenched his stomach as he rubbed his eyes.

"D-Damn, why you saying sentimental stuff like that now?" he sniffled as he rubbed his eyes with his wrist. "I'm not crying."

"Thank you for everything, uncle. When I hear the word 'father', I can't imagine anyone except you."

"I lied, I am crying!" the tears finally released from his uncle's eyes to freely stream down. This time, Shuichi hugged him. The corners of his uncle's lips quirked up to show a genuine smile, not a one that seemed manly and outgoing like it usually was; it was a smile that showed he was genuinely happy. Momota smirked as he crossed his arms, Harukawa had a straight face. I was happy to see his uncle being genuine for once.

"You know, let me make you all dinner for this." his uncle offered all of us after separating from Shuichi. "For helping out my boy."

"We'd love that!" Kaito cheers.

"O-Oh, no!" Shuichi quickly stops him. "It's fine! Fuyuka is coming home in an hour so it's okay!"

"Don't worry, I can't keep ya' waitin'!" his uncle insisted. Right, Shuichi's uncle is a bad cook.

"Ah, actually. I can't." Momota scratched the back of his head with a sigh. "I forgot I have stuff to do."

Momota took the hint?

"Aw, that's too bad." Mr. Saihara put down a cooking utensil with a disappointed look. "It's fine, you can come over another time!"

"Alright!" he put a thumbs up. "Shuichi, meet up at our training area."

"W-What? This late?"

"Hell yea! No skipping out, we've been skipping enough. We can't waste any more time, meet me in an hour! See you there! Bye Kaede! See ya', Maki Roll! Love you!" he flew out the door with max speed as he ran down the streets, shutting the door behind him.

Harukawa blushed as she looked away, playing with her hair. "His uncle is still here.."

"I didn't hear a thing." he turned away, covering his ears with his fingers.

Oh, it looks like he was actually busy.

He started walking towards his room, still covering his ears. "Anyways, if you don't want dinner, just wait 'till Fuyuka comes home. Later, Shuichi, Akamatsu, Tarukala!"

Harukawa's blush faded as she looked at him in disgust. She discarded what he said as she looked to the both of us with her usual stale demeanor. "I probably should get going too."

"Aw, okay then!" I waved to her with a grin. "Bye, Harukawa. Thanks for your help, again. This wouldn't have happened if not for you. You're a great friend, you know that!?"

"Mhmm.." she turned her heel as she walked up to the front door. She hesitated before opening the front door. "No problem." she muttered out to us before swiftly leaving.

~Perspective Change (Saihara)~

I turn my head towards the pianist now that everyone was gone. It was pretty late... "Are you gonna go too?" I asked.

"Nope!" she exclaimed with a grin filled with excitement. "We have so much time we missed out on. Now that I can... I want to spend every second with you."

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