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venti grins at the tweet on the tablet as he shows both hu tao and xiao who are busy occupying themselves with practicing their debut song- which is only in a few days. 

"look! people are talking about us on twitter!" venti grins, and xiao glances over to him before looking back into the mirror that covers the wall he's facing. 

"don't look at the quote retweets." xiao advises but venti does so anyway. it's not like he would've listened anyway. 

venti scrolls through the tweets as he laughs quietly to himself. as the song finishes and the two hydrate, venti calls both of them over to show them the tweets together.

"wait, what does that one say?" xiao pauses pointing at a tweet made by someone with the user @milfganyu. xiao pauses at the sight of the user. 

"isn't she like twenty? she doesn't have kids, right?" xiao asks and the practice room is silent. 

"it's a joke. like, she would be a milf if she has kids… i think?" hu tao attempts to explain. venti shrugs as she reads the tweet aloud.

keqing! @milfganyu
@teyvattimes honestly idgaf about the men im stanning only for hu beloved <3

hu tao laughs as venti reads the tweet. they spend the night reading the quote tweets and surprisingly, there's not really any bad tweets except for ones calling xiao emo mostly. 

as they read through venti realizes he's debuting soon. those five years of training wouldn't be for nothing, he was finally doing it. even though he hasn't trained as long as xiao has, he feels proud of himself for making it this far and long. xiao trained way longer than he has so venti can't even imagine how he feels. he can't imagine training for almost ten years and finally debuting. xiao must be going insane right now. 

all of their training periods were different- xiao had begun and stayed with jade entertainment even when the company had barely started up and had nobody. jade entertainment had mostly debuted soloists when venti had entered the company so venti had expected to debut as a soloist. venti and xiao had made a connection somehow. the two of them had practiced together and lived in the same dorm together. the two really thought they were going to debut as just the two of them. 

that is until hu tao entered the company. hu tao never really stayed with companies long, she always hopped from one to another simply because they didn't feel right. but when she entered jade entertainment, it felt like a breath of fresh air. even though she'd only been training for maybe two years at most, she understood how harsh the industry could be. but this company wasn't that at all. it was nice, especially with venti and xiao. 

the ceo, zhongli, eventually realized he couldn't separate the three of them, it was like a buy one get one free deal. except that you got a special gift along with that deal and that gift was an energetic girl who kept the group full of energy and motivation. so yeah, there was no doubt that this was the perfect group. they had found each other and he couldn't separate them no matter what. 

venti wouldn't want to debut with anyone else. 

a knock at the door breaks him out of his thoughts and all three of their heads turn to the door. 

jean, their manager, walks in and makes a motion for them to hand the tablet over. 

"c'mon, you all have practice in the morning, dress rehearsals, and lots and i mean, lots of interviews tomorrow. got to get lots of sleep, okay?" she says with a sympathetic smile on her face. jean's a great manager honestly, it felt as if she were their mom. 

venti lifts himself from the floor and hands over the tablet to jean as xiao and hu tao grab their bags. 

"alright, you got everything?" jean asks and everyone nodded their heads. they leave the building as they get into a small car. 

venti is blessed every day that he was never put into a typical boy group with six or seven members because he would've ended up biting somebody if he had to sit in a cramped van everywhere they went. thankfully, a small car is enough for all of them to sit evenly spaced out. 

the bright street lights illuminate the dark night as they drive by to the dorm. the car is quiet besides the bubblegum pop playing softly from the radio as jeans hums along. venti recognized the song- it was barbara's new single. all of barbara's songs were always fantastic even if they were produced in such a small time. she was so hardworking, venti really respected her. 

venti looked behind him to look in the backseat to see xiao sleeping soundly. xiaos chest moving with the beat of his breathing. xiaos hair was shorter now that they were only days, or maybe even a day away from debut. xiao's hair framed his face so now venti could see his soft, rounded cheeks. somehow, his face was still sharp at every edge. 
this new hair style really suited xiao. xiao's older hair was really cute, though. he had longer hair that went to his shoulders. it was cute whenever he tied it up during practice. xiao looked really good with a ponytail to be fair. 

"venti." jean says and venti looks up at her abruptly from his thoughts, "hm?" 

"wake xiao up for me, please. and make sure he showers before he goes to bed. i know he practiced a lot today so can you make sure that happens please?" she says as she steps out of the car with hu tao, who's patiently waiting. 

venti unbuckles his seatbelt as he moves over to the backseat where xiao is sat. venti realizes he has never in his life woken xiao up. hu tao always woke him up by screaming at him but hu tao was more chaotic than the both of them combined so, it's kind of expected she would do that. venti wants to cry, he doesn't want to wake up xiao, he looks so peaceful but at the same time, he wants to watch netflix before he sleeps so, sorry xiao, venti thinks before he smacks xiao on his cheek. 

venti expects xiao to wake up and scream at him but instead he still lays there, still sleeping peacefully. well, now he gets why hu tao screams at the top of her lungs to wake him. venti stares at xiao, mentally choking him. 

"archons, why can't you just wake up?" venti says to himself. venti freezes as he stares at xiao's pierced left ear. xiao told him this maybe four years ago so he doesn't know why he even remembers this but it finally came in handy. xiao had told him that the most sensitive part of his body was his left ear and it was weird. especially since it's not somewhere so hidden but that didn't matter now. this man needed to wake up now. 

venti quickly pinched his ear for maybe one second, and xiao didn't lie about that being sensitive one bit. 

"ow! what the fuck?" xiao says, suddenly awoken. venti sighs happily, finally glad that he can go up to their dorm and watch netflix. 

"finally! come on, we're at the dorm. jean says to shower before you sleep because you're fucking nasty." venti says as he drags xiao out of the car and locks the car.

"she did not say that." xiao says as venti grabs his hand and walks inside the building towards the elevator. 

"she did actually," venti jokes as he presses the floor number of the shared apartment. 

"she told me, "tell xiao to shower because he's nasty and stinky" so can't blame me for telling you exactly what she said!" venti grins as he knocks on their apartment door where jean answers and xiao makes a beeline for his and ventis shared room. 

venti hands jean the keys to the car as she hugs him goodbye. 
"see you all tomorrow at five. get some sleep." she says and leaves. venti makes way for their shared bedroom where xiao is sat, sleepily grabbing whatever clothes he can sleep in before he leaves the room for the shower, presumably. 

venti sighs to himself with happiness, it was finally happening. he was finally debuting.

WITH LOVE / XIAOVENΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα